☆After school☆

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After a few days of getting teased by the boys and talked about by the girls you decided you needed a break from your friends only because the only other friend you had was homesick and you couldn't go see her. So you decided to take a break from the freaky 8th graders and hung out with two 7th-grade girls who you knew would be happy to hang out with you. You saw Maya and Anna around the hall so you called out to them.

"Yo Maya!! Anna!!" You shouted

"Oh my gosh that's that 8th-grade girl," Anna said

"Omg it is," Maya said

"What do you think she wants" Anna asked

"I don't know" Maya turned to Anna

"Go over there," Anna said

"No..you go over there" Maya looked at her

"No, I can't she literally called you"

"She called both of us Na like...come on"

"Okay but she called you first so"

While this was happening you just started walking up to them and when you got there they were just standing there awkwardly

"Is everything okay??" You asked in a kind of concerned manner

"Yeah.." Anna said

"Yeah we- we cool"

"Yeah we're cool"

Anna and Maya said kind of simultaneously

"Cool.." you were kinda confused

"Soo I was wondering if you guys wanted to hang out some time like get pizza or something,"  you asked you really needed them to say yes because without all your other friends all you could do was go home do homework and go to bed and you needed at least a little bit of fun. Yet they were just standing there awkwardly like they didn't know what to say next.

"Hang out..??" Maya said

"Like what does she mean hang out, like with us?" Anna said to Maya instead of directly to you

"Yeah..With you guys." you said smiling awkwardly "Is that okay?"

"We can hangout eat pizza talk about boys eat the mini cupcakes that you can eat in one bite you know like a sleepover or study sesh" You tried explaining it better to them,

"Ohhh oh like oh" Maya said

Now they seemed excited

"Yeah, yeah we would love to have a sleepover" Maya said

"Right Na?"

"Yeah we like love sleep overs and have them all the time so..like" Anna was smiling

"Okay great just call me for when ever you're available you know and then we can plan everything, it'll be super fun" even you were kind of excited now it felt like you had two little sisters who would love to hang out with you and look up to you and it's just a nice feeling to have

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