Episode 13

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Dear Chief Justice Silverstein:


Whenever the Bible mentions marriage, it is always in the context of being between a male and a female. The first mention of marriage in Genesis 2:24 describes it as a man leaving his father and mother and being united with his wife. In Scriptures that contain instructions regarding marriage, such as 1 Corinthians 7:2-16 and Ephesians 5:23-33, the relationship is clearly defined as being between a man and a woman. 

According to God's original design, this union is to last for a lifetime primarily for the purpose of building a family, raising children, providing a stable environment for those children who will one day grow up to carry on the human race through the same activity.

However, the Bible is not alone in its defense of heterosexual marriage. Marriage, as depicted in the Bible, has been the universal understanding of marriage in every human civilization in world history for millennia. History argues against homosexual marriage. Even modern non-religious psychology recognizes that men and women are designed to complement one another. 

A union between a man and woman in which both spouses serve as good gender role models is the best environment in which to raise well-adjusted children. Physically speaking, clearly, men and women were designed to "fit" together. Since the natural purpose of sexual intercourse is procreation, it is clear that only a sexual relationship between a man and a woman can fulfill this purpose. Nature argues against homosexual marriage.

If the Bible, history, psychology, and nature all argue for marriage being between a man and a woman, there really is no contest today. We cannot sacrifice a universal ideal because of a slim minority who wish to deviate. 

According to Scripture, people inherently know that homosexuality is immoral and unnatural — even the homosexual knows this. Thus, the only way to suppress this inherent knowledge is to try to normalize homosexuality and homosexual marriage by attacking those who oppose it and by getting the powers-that-be to recognize it. The intent is to make same-sex marriage equal to traditional marriage, and we should not let that happen.

Respectfully yours,

Michael Elderson

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