Chapter 5

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Aurora Woods

A small group of us were split up in search of Amelia after I had alerted Lauren about her disappearance. I was busy combing through the area near the bride's room until I received a call from Lauren that she had found a note left behind by Amelia. I instantly rushed back to the room.

The note wrote, 'I'm sorry things had to turn out like this. But I fell out of love and I can't do this. I'm sorry.' My mind went blank upon reading it and Lauren let out a cry of shock while father was shaking in anger and disappointment. What's going to happen to Grayson?

Since the wedding was less than an hour away, we had no choice but to let Isabelle and Grayson know about it. It pains me to see how crushed Grayson looked when he heard the news. He was in denial even after reading the note that Amelia left behind. His eyes were red as unshed tears accumulated in his eyes, but he refused to let them out. 

"I believe we should call off the wedding now." Isabelle suggested. She was angry, but mostly upset because of Grayson was hurt. Father's eyes shot up as he heard her suggestion, "Call off? What would we look like in the eyes of all those guests who are sitting out there? How are we ever going to continue running the business?" My fists were balled up by my sides, it was always about his gains, never about other people's losses. 

"We must get the wedding carry on, no matter what." Father decided, not caring about any other opinions. Lauren was still in a crying mess, too shock to even grab a hold of what was going on at the point in time. 

"Do you even hear what you're talking about? Amelia just took off like nobody's business and even if you want the keep the wedding going, where are we going to find a bride to replace her?" Isabelle exclaimed, her eyes were almost shooting fire if that was even possible. 

All of a sudden, father's gaze landed upon me as the room was surrounded in silence. 

"Aurora, take over Amelia's place. We will settle the rest after the wedding." That was his words, no it was a command. It was not even a question of whether or not I want to be a replacement, it was just straight up ordering me to take the empty place as a last minute bride. 

Everyone was taken aback by his words, except Grayson who still had his head down and his hands clasped together tightly. I always knew father was a selfish person, but today I have finally understood how far his selfishness could be, even at the expense of throwing out his daughter as a replacement in order to keep his business. 

Isabelle was the first one to object, "How could you be so selfish and demanding? You can't just offer Aurora like a piece of object and be a replacement!" Lauren then snapped at him too, claiming how father should not be asking me to settle the mess that Amelia had created. 

Grayson remained silent despite the chaos in front of him, and my eyes were only on him the whole time. My mind went back to last night, suddenly reminded of Amelia's phone call and her sudden rummaging of her cupboard. I should have checked up on her. If only I had, the situation we have now could have been prevented. My heart clenched in pain as Amelia's words of 'fell out of love' replayed in my head. 

"I will be the replacement, only if Grayson wants to proceed with it." My words lingered in the air, and I was starting to question my sanity. Isabelle's eyes were piercing through me, as though asking if I had lost my mind for agreeing to such request. 

"Aurora, you don't have to do this if you don't wish to." Lauren looked at me in sadness and guilt.  I forced a smile and lightly patted her hand as I waited for Grayson to respond. He finally looked up and our eyes met the moment he did so. His eyes were blood shot and his jaw was clenched tightly, trying his best not to break apart in front of everyone. 

At the same time, a bridesmaid came knocking on the door and announced, "The wedding will commence in 30 minutes time. Please be ready by then." 

"Let's carry on." His voice sounded hoarse and defeated. He then turned his back and walked out of the room. My eyes landed on Isabelle, who immediately went out after him. 

Father let out a sigh of relief as he was just about to speak up when I cut him off, "Please leave the room, I have to get ready now." He glanced at me harshly before walking out of the room. Lauren turned my body towards her as she asked in concern, "Are you sure about this? I can talk to your father again." Shaking my head, I replied, "No it's fine. Can I ask you for a favour instead?" 

She nodded her head instantaneously, "Anything for you." 

"Could you...walk me down the aisle instead of father?" I asked. 

Lauren broke into a wide smile as she nodded, "Of course I can. I'm thankful that you asked for me, and I'm really sorry that Amelia got you into this mess." 

Lauren then helped me to get dressed into the gown which was previously picked out by Amelia, followed by some simple makeup since we were running out of time. The moment I put on the gown, my heart felt heavy for some reason. I was marrying the person whom I had been missing for years, but for the wrong reason. It was so fucked up in all ways. 

A knock on the door came to signify that I should be out by now. Lauren bent down and held the gown for me, in case I trip over them. My first step down the stairs made my heart pound. It's not too late to turn back now, Aurora. Dammit. 

But the moment I looked straight ahead, all thoughts of running away diminished. The heartbroken look on Grayson's face made me took another step forward, then another, and another. All the way until I reached the altar, standing right before him. 

Lauren passed my hand over to him, as he took over my hand. His hand felt cold and trembling, for which I held tightly onto his, hoping to give him whatever support and comfort he could receive. 

The officiant finished reciting the vow as he closed his statement with, "Do you, Grayson Atlas Blackford, wish to take Aurora Claire Woods, as your lawfully wedded wife?" The long silence was greeted by a solemn voice, "I do." 

The officiant then turned towards me and asked, "Do you, Aurora Claire Woods, wish to take Grayson Atlas Blackford, as your lawfully wedded husband?" 

"I do." I replied, my eyes slightly darted to look at Grayson. 

"I now pronounce you as wife and husband. Please proceed to exchange rings and kiss the bride." The hall rounded in deafening applause as the flower girl presented a small box which contained 2 wedding bands. 

I looked at Grayson, as he paused for a while before taking a ring from the box and I followed suit. He slowly lifted my hand as he slipped the ring onto my finger while I did the same for him. He then looked at me, as he slowly leaned forward. I was glad that he had placed his thumb in between our lips before he placed a quick kiss on it. That concluded the ceremony. 

But this was only the start of everything. 

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