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Friday's are fast becoming my favorite day of the week, and not because its the last day before the weekend. In my world there is no such thing as a day off, whether that been legal or illegally, it never stops. That isn't why I have quickly grown to love Friday's, Friday night is when I spend quality time with Annabelle and Wren. Time where I completely shut off my phone and forget about who I am, who the world views me to be. 

To everyone else I'm a heartless bastard, someone who doesn't care what others want or need. If it benefits me and my agenda, I'm doing it. I have destroyed lives to get me and the family business ahead. I've killed people simply for looking at me the wrong way. I can take away someone's last breath without thinking twice, that is the kind of man I am. I go to sleep soundly at night knowing I am people's worst nightmares. 

I have gained so much satisfaction from that knowledge, but do you know what I enjoy more, watching my angel in her home environment. I never thought I would care, women and the thought of a family was never in the cards for me. An idea that was never going to ever be in reach for me, until them. Our game nights and well, most nights of the week really I spend with Annabelle, are my favorite. Coming home to my girls and making sure they are safe and sound. It really was true what my mum said, any place can be a house, but it's the people in it that make it a home. 

"So, we heading to Belle's for game night?" Lenny asks, slinging his arm over my shoulder making me grunt in annoyance. Oh yeah, and this fucker likes to tag along sometimes. I swear he is like an overgrown child, he is worse that Wren. 

On many occasions he has thrown a fit because he was beaten at the game we were playing. When Len is there, its usually him and Wren who are most eager to play boardgames. It wouldn't usually be what I call fun, but I love to watch Annabelle's face light up and Wren's energy is contagious. I often find myself getting involved and enjoying myself while I'm at it. 

Who knew I would find entertainment in something that requires clothes and no violence. 

"I'm heading to Annabelle's for games night, me." I emphasis the fact that I'm going to Belle's, alone. 

"Aw c'mon man, please let me come!" He whines, jutting out his bottom lip like a fucking idiot. "Please Elliot, I wanna come to games night!" He begs, shaking my shoulders and I swear this man was brought on this earth solely to piss me off. 

Shoving him off my shoulders, "fine, you can come, but best fucking behavior. No work talk and not a fucking word about what you get up to in your spare time, none of us need to hear about it, especially a twelve year old." I warn and he holds his hands up in surrender. 

The last time Lenny graced us with his presence, the twat had one too many and started spouting nonsense about killing people. Like what assassin would openly admit what they do to a fucking child, oh yeah that's right, Lenny Taylor. Also how women love what he does with his tongue, I shudder at the memory. No fucker, ever needs to hear what skills Len has. 

And I mean, never. 

"Yes, daddy." He teases and without hesitation, a gun is in my hand and aimed directly at his head. 

"Woah man! It was a joke. Okay, I'll be a good boy." He agrees, a smirk firmly placed on his face. He knows exactly what he is doing. 

"Push me and find out what happens." I warn and all the dickhead does is laugh.

"You need to lighten up, mate. Gonna have a stroke one of these days if your not careful." Lenny so kindly informs me and I respond with a nice middle finger.

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