Can anyone tell me the name of this dog? I forgot OMG IS MAEUM!! (Where are you going? Your mom [maeum ♥️]) I just published this bitch and forgot I wasn't supposed to 💀 ok lemme edit and publish it again omg I almost died 💀
I'm super shy super shy super shy but wait a minute while I make you mine make you mine
Girls Girls Girls They love me Yes that's correct girls do love me ✨ idk why Tf they do because I'm tryna pull bros not hoes 😑 anyways SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE
Jay: 10 freaking am. Why?! Jay rubs the sleep from his eyes as he rolls out of bed and grabs some random items of clothing to wear as well as a few more that he stuffs into a bag for the weekend.
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(The ✨ fit ✨)
Jay stuff the other essentials such as his toothbrush into his bag and heads out the door, well aware he's already going to be 10 minutes late.
Jay puts some music on while he drives (get it like boom boom boom get it like boom boom boom), the songs waking him up and giving him the energy he was unable to gather from the coffee he didn't have time to make this morning. ([Ddeonu: Yep that Eve something something by that one group really makes you wanna dance along])
Jay: Hey! Starbucks! If I grab mom a muffin or something she might forget about me being late. (Smart 🤓)
Jay makes a quick stop at Starbucks, grabbing himself a coffee and three chocolate muffins one for him one for his mom and one for his dad. ([Ddeonu: Yall gon see in one of the next chapters authornim gon have completely forgotten what Jay ordered and just make up some random crap])
After driving once again, only accompanied by his music and his occasional sip of coffee, Jay finally parks (I know you got a fat ass~) infront of his parents house.
Jay grabs the muffins and almost empty cup of coffee before shutting the door and entering the house. Jay: I'm here! And I brought muffins! As soon as the words escape Jays mouth as he opens the door, he's attacked by a little white doggy.
Jay: What the hell? Mom and dad got a dog? The little white blob yaps and barks, alerting the empty home of an intruder.
Jay: Mom? Dad? Jay walks to the kitchen and places the muffins and coffee cup on the counter before venturing further into his childhood home. Jay: What the hell? Why tell me to be here at 10am sharp if they're not even gonna be here?
Jay grumbles to himself as he walks into the living room, stopping dead in his tracks as he lays eyes on the most adorable boy he'd ever seen in his life. ([Ddeonu: Oh I didn't know I was in this ff ✨] [Jay: You're not just go eat your popcorn and watch in silence] [Ddeonu: Bitc-]) Round cheeks that Jay wanted to eat up, doe eyes looking scared and- Wait. Scared? ([Ddeonu: Yea cause Jay looks like an ugly old ajeossi] [Jay: Bitch if you don't shut yo mouth imma flush all your mint choco down the toilet])