Seungmin in my room

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Ok everyone rn listen to like we just met by NCT dreamies because it's cute asf and it's not my usual type of song but I love it so much fr it's amazing listen it rn why am I not a paid promoter Istg I'm promoting everything also I'm contemplating putting smut in this chapter but idk yet I guess we will see where the story goes 🤓 anyways on to the next chapter 🤓 WOAAAAAH WOAAAAHHH WHATCHA LOOKING AT WHATCHA WHATCHA LOOKING AT Ok anyways so I know it's been ages since I last updated but I'm busy asf with exams and shit and I tried to reply all the comments I got while I was gone but idk if I got them all cause I accidentally left the app and the red dots disappeared but I hope I replied to everything and if I didn't reply your comments I apologize dearly 🤓 also as per a request of a potato this ff will be spicy asf 🤓


Won: Can I do that again
Jay: Like I said, do whatever you want
Jay watches as Jungwon swallows hard and nods quickly. Jungwon gets on his tiptoes again and presses his lips to Jay's, this time Jay kisses back but let's Jungwon stay in control.

Jungwon snakes his arms around Jay's neck and uses Jay to hold himself up on his tip toes. Jungwon doesn't do much other than pressing his lips to Jay's even tho Jay let him be in control. Jay quickly realizes that Jungwon prolly doesn't remember how to kiss if he ever even knew in the first place. Jay takes control and slips his tongue into Jungwon's mouth, a small gasp coming from Jungwon at Jay's change in attitude.

Jay explores every corner of Jungwon's mouth and Jungwon, being the smart boy that he is, copies Jay's technique and learns how to kiss. Jay smirks in the kiss as he feels Jungwon copying his style. Jay slips his hands up Jungwon's shirt and let's his hands roam over the thin boy's upper body. Jungwon moans as soon as Jay's hands make contact with his bare skin then blushes in embarrassment, trying to hide his face behind his hands.

Jay: You like that?
Won: I...don't know....
Jay: I wouldn't be surprised
Won: What?! Why not!
Jay: You're moaning louder than a virgin during their first time
Jungwon blushes and tries to be offended but can't because nothing Jay said is untrue

Won: Well it's not my fault
Jay: True but it's cute
Won: How?
Jay: Your moans sound like little kitten meows
Jay laughs and pulls Jungwon closer, leaving soft butterfly kisses on Jungwon's neck (NOW I GOTTA CUT LOOSE FOOTLOOSE KICK OFF THE SUNDAY SHOES PLEASE LOUIS PULL ME OFF MY KNEES JACK GET BACK everyone listen to footloose by Kenny Loggins rn because we gotta appreciate a good classic)

Jungwon bites his bottom lip as he tries to keep in another moan because he doesn't wanna prove Jay's point. (WHEN I WAKE UP YEA I KNOW IM GONNA BE THE MAN WHO WAKES UP NEXT TO YOU)

Jay squeezes Jungwon's ass and picks him up. Jungwon wraps his legs around Jay's waist as Jay connects their lips again. Jay puts Jungwon down on the bed and pulls his shirt off. Jay smirks at Jungwon's pale, untouched skin before taking his own shirt off and pinning Jungwon's hands above his head with one hand while using the other to squeeze Jungwon's thigh as he marks Jungwon's skin in every open spot he can find.

Jay is about to leave another hickey on Jungwon's neck when they both freeze at the sound of someone entering the pin to the lock at Jay's front door. Jay jumps off Jungwon and opens his closet to grab a baseball bat. Just as Jay is about to open his bedroom door to go inspect the door flings itself open and smacks Jay in the face

Ddeonu: Omg what are you guys doing in here and why haven't you been picking up your phon- wait why is Jungwona on the bed? And why are you shirtless? OMG! SEE HOON WHAT DID I TELL YOU THEY'RE TOTALLY HOOKING UP!!
Ddeonu smacks Hoon's arm happily and giggles like a ten year old girl when her crush makes eye contact with her for two seconds. Jay rubs his face in annoyance as he glares at Ddeonu

Jay: What are you now incapable of knocking?! Why'd you just walk into my house as if it's yours?!
Ddeonu: Bitch please we've known each other for years. Your house is my house and I don't need to knock because you've never cared. The only reason you're salty about it now is because you wanted to get frisky with the new boyfriend.

Hoon: I'm hungry. Dyu got some food?
Jay: No so go eat at your own house!
Hoon: Ddeonu wouldn't let me
Jay: You're starving your boyfriend?
Ddeonu: Ofc I'm not! He wanted to eat something and then opened the fridge and saw my mint choco in the freezer then said ewwww toothpaste so I shut the fridge on his fingers and said he can go nibble on grass if he's really that hungry

Jungwon laughs and Ddeonu teleports to the bed.
Ddeonu: Hi! I'm Ddeonu! You prolly don't know me because Jay is a rude piece of crap and won't talk about us because we're weird but I've heard lots about you!
Won: Oh actually he did talk about you guys. I'm Jungwon as you probably already know because you said my name before so idk why I just introduced myself it was kinda stupid

Hoon: He's cute how tf did your ugly ass manage to get in his pants
Jay: I haven't been in his pants and I'm not ugly I'm better looking than you'll ever be
Hoon: Tf you mean you didn't get in his pants yet? Look at the state of him. He looks like he's just spent a week at a brothel.

Jungwon blushed and puts a shirt on while Ddoenu throws a slipper at Hoon's head
Ddeonu: Don't mind him he doesn't have anything but air between his ears
Jungwon let's out a small laugh. Ddeonu pulls him off the bed, linking arms with him as he drags Jungwon to the kitchen.
Ddeonu: Here. Some water

Jungwon thanks Ddeonu and drinks the water
Ddeonu: Sooo~ spill the tea! What's going on between you and Uncle Jay!
Won: Uncle Jay?
Ddeonu: He's like a rich uncle yk
Jungwon looks at Jay in his designer clothes standing in his penthouse apartment in the building that he owns while glaring at Ddeonu for calling him an uncle. Jungwon laughs so hard he has to put the glass of water down because he'd spill it all if he didn't.

Won: It's a bit too accurate
Ddeonu: IKR! He looks like he could be my dad's younger brother who buys me expensive gifts for Christmas
Jay: No I do not! I am not an uncle! I'm 21!!
Hoon: Technically 21 year olds can be uncles too
Jay: Nobody askeu

Jay: Quit being such an annoying little kid Istg you just keep yapping and yapping like a five year old who heard someone say paw patrol isn't fire
Won: WhAt?! Who said that?! Paw patrol is so fire it burned down your house bitch!
Ddeonu: Spitting straight facts rn my child!
Jay: Istg authornim needs to get back on track with this story

Hoon: Yea fr I feel like she doesn't even know where she's going with this
Jay: Well obviously I bet she even forgot what the other chapters were about
Won: Fr she even forgot if I was wearing a shirt earlier
Ddeonu: Talk about unprofessionalism
Hyunjin: Tch Hairband

Chan drags Hyunjin back to an alternate universe where Authornim writes skz ffs
Ddeonu: I wonder if he was tryna get free Aussie lessons from Jake hyun- wait here's Jungwoni?
Jay: He ran to the room
Hoon: Why?
Jay: Chan appeared. Jungwona! Chan is gone!

Jungwon comes back out of the room wiping the stress sweat from his brow.
Won: That was a close one
Ddeonu: Weird but ok. Whose ready for the sleepover? Did you guys pack yet? We have to leave in like two hours! Why aren't you guys packed?!
Jay: Take a chill pill

Hoon: Such an uncle thing to say
Ddeonu: Yea whatever now go pack!
Jay: Yes god forbid it's only one hour till we leave and I STILL haven't packed. The world will come to an end
Won: Ok all done
Won: It's one night sleep over. I literally need one pair of clothes some fresh underwear and the basic skin care stuff. Imma go shower now tho

Ddeonu: Omg that's smart the line for the shower is endless at those sleepovers
Hoon: Fr I swear I stood in like for three hours once
Ddeonu: I told you to shower at home and you didn't listen
Hoon: Last time I ever refused to listen to Ddeonu ever again
Jay: Simp
Hoon: Takes one to know one


Ok well there we go nice update 🤓 next one will be whenever tf I have time to write another chapter and omg it's Tuesday today what great timing I have 💅 anyways toodles poodles 😉

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