Chapter 2

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It has been exactly three days, since The incident in Volterra. And Amara would be lying if she said that she has not been  Acting different, since then.

Before, she was carefree, Less nervous and stressed; Not constantly looking over her shoulder or think someone's watching her, and feel as if they are.

She had a certain time she would get up and go to bed; But for the past three nights she has not gotten any when she closes her eyes their faces and the memorie of that night come to her, She's terrified frightened scared, and Stressed.

And do not think that those around her have not noticed her different behavior; Aldo, Was the first one to notice, and has not stopped asking her every hour if she is all right to which she replies of course, why would she not be? but she knows that he knows something is not right.

The second one was their maid, Mia: Though, Amara does not like to call her that, she is so much more than just somebody who cleans up after them which Amara hates; Mia Is like an older sister to her,
She's not but in her late 30s and she's very beautiful and attractive, with her long blonde hair and forced green eyes.

The third to take notice was their chef, Santino: And again just like with Mia Amara does not like to refer to him as just their chef, he is one of her closest friends in this life, And she values the man's friendship deeply: he's in his mid-forties, Long black hair that he usually keeps up in a tight bun, And a small well-groomed beard and mustache.

And finally, the last ones to take notice of her odd behavior were her grandparents;  Though Amara can't really blame that on them, They have been very busy lately And have rarely been home, And from what she has gathered over the breakfasts for the past three days that they've had together, They are talking to some new investors and have been for the past two days.

Which is fantastic, It's always good to have investors and with the idea of wanting to start making Olive oil it wouldn't be a bad thing; Especially considering the fact that the old investors are a little shy to the idea, they want the Alexopoulos's To Stay making what they know best and what made their family name and fortune, which is if Amara is to brag very good, and excellent, and extremely divine wine.

But still, even with the understanding that they have been very busy and haven't been able to pay attention to her, it still hurt her a little bit to know that they were the last ones to pay attention and to see that something was wrong with her, though she quickly assured them that everything was all right and fine even though it absolutely is not.

"Why can't I just stop thinking about it? why can't I just leave it alone...why won't my brain stop!" Amara shouted to herself,
As she leaned her head and back against the tree she is setting against a top one of the heels looking over the valleys and getting a nice view of the city, not far from their home As her Pure breaded white horse Cleo, Named after Cleopatra, laid beside her and rolled in the grass.

Amara has been riding horses before she could even walk, and even though she does not like to brag on herself she will admit that she is extremely good, and has won many Equestrian Medals and trophies.

"What do you think, Cleo?" The young lady turned her gaze to the horse who quickly let out a huff, and tilted her heand and if Amara was sure she was seeing clearly she would swear she saw her horse smile. "Yeah, that's what I thought." She slightly chuckled and smiled before rubbing the horse's head. "What am I to do with you?"

Amara gave Cleo a kiss on her cheek, before leaning back against the tree and looking up at the clouds covering the sky fully, some of them a bit dark leading her to believe that it might rain after while or this evening.

"I hope it does, it will not only be good for the garden, but also for the orchard." She thought, before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath inhaling deeply, taking in all of the smells around her and letting her ears take in the sounds.

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