Chapter 4

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Amara didn't get any sleep that night, She couldn't, Her mind would not let her. And she tossed and turned And before she knew it, It was morning and the birds were chirping outside and Aldo was knocking at her door, To get her started for the day.

And to say she was not stressed and beyond fearful the whole day would be an under statement; It would be like saying that she does not love the summer flowers on a nice crisp morning with the condensation still on their petals,

She tried not to think about the evening that was to await her but just like the night prior her mind would not let her be at easy, Not even for a moment.

And when she told her grandparents of the older woman's invitation to have dinner with them while having breakfast, It only made things worse for Amara.

They grew rather upset quickly and began to bombardle her with questions. Like, Why did she not invite them? Or all of them?
Why just Amara? What had Amara said to the woman on her ride the day prior to get such an invitation? And so forth.

And after answering the questions the best she could to her abilities, And her grandparents finally calming down, She was then told by the older Two to be on her best behavior, To not say or do anything that will embarrass the family, Or them.

And of course Amara's favorite of them all, To Not Make a fool of herself.

Which is something Amara is by all means very good at doing, Not intentionally of course.

And after breakfast and informing her grandparents of her plans for the evening, She began her day with a not nice and very long private tutor session, That took up her whole morning leading into the afternoon.

One would think that it being the summer that Amara would be free of schooling for a few months but no, Her grandparents insist on her having a private tutor for two sessions each week, Every Monday and Friday Every summer.

In their words, The reason she has to have a tutor during the summer is because. "We will not have our only livingkin and heir be ignorant and week minded,"

Which was a great insult and hurt Amara's feelings deeply, When they told her those words a few Summers ago.

But like always when they say Or doing something that upsets her, Greatly, She let it go and moved on And accepted that she will never have a normal summer Or life.

But as she always says; This is the hand she was dealt in life and now she must just play the cards and hope she gets a winning hand in every game,

And for some reason she's always had a deep little feeling in the bottom of her stomach that One day She won't. And she would be lying if she said she was not hoping That One day she will draw a losing hand,

But what happens if One day she does? She is unsure, But she does know that She somewhat hopes One day she will draw a losing hand just to see what it feels like, Just to see what happens.

The rest of her day was spent having lunch with her grandparents, Then seeing them off as they left for a party that they would not be back from until later in the evening, Long after she is gone for her evening. Then Practicing her show jumping with Cleo, Which went fantastic as usual, Then going inside getting clean and spending the rest of the day with Aldo, Mia, And Santino.

Playing a few hands of blackjack with them, Which is something they usually do when her grandparents are away and they have the time, And after winning a majority of the hands It was time for her to get ready, And as much as she hated to do it and prolonged it for as long as she could Aldo put his foot down and she took a shower,

And she would be lying if she said she didn't intentionally take her Sweet and long time in doing so, And After being told by Mia three times that it was time for her to get out she eventually did and she had her clothes for the evening awaiting for her on her bed, And she quickly changed into them and Mia helped put her hair in A tight one bread.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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