Chapter 3

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Thirty two minutes, That is how long they have been guessing business or rather, Amara's grandfather has been talking.

And the whole time Amara has not taken her eyes away from the unhuman individuals currently in her home,

And yes, unhuman.

Amara is many things but stupid is not one of them; She would be a blinted fool If she called them human.

They are most certainly not but that begs the question, Since they are not human what are they? And even more so, Why are they here!?

"Amara," Her grandfather spoke, Immediately taking the girl from her thoughts and causing her to slightly jump in her seat, And turn at her name. "What do you think?"

"O–oh, will, i." Amara paused, Taking a moment to think And recall exactly what it was they were discussing prior to his question. "I think that is an reasonable amount," She answered, Remembering that her grandfather had suggested a number, An amount of money that they would be investing into the new idea. "€500000 Is also a Save number, Not to mention the return you will get back in the year's time to the little you invested, Haha."

"Well put," Her grandfather nodded, Then turned back to their guest Who have not Been shy about glancing over at Amara every ten, To fifteen seconds. "Now, if you were to–" Amara cut out her grandfather, Not really needing to pay attention to the rest of the conversation at the moment.

"Why are they here?!?!" Amara asked herself, Just as she's done for the past Thirty two minutes. "I have not said a word just as I said I wouldn't! Just as I sweared on my life I wouldn't, So why are they here?! Why are they–"

"I think that's an excellent deal!" The man that Amara remembers being called Aro spoke, Taking her away from her thoughts and making her jump for the 20th time today perhaps,

"Will then," Her grandfather smiled, And stood up slowly from his seat and held out his hand to which the raven haired man followed. "We thank you for your investment, And we look forward to doing business with you further."

"As well as i," Aro smiled, And his eyes quickly looked over at Amara Who quickly turned away, And looked down at the table between them.

"Why do they keep looking at me!?" Amara shouted in her mind As she began to pick at her nails, Something she does when she is extremely nervous and on edge.

"I think this deal calls for a celebration!" Her grandmother spoke excitedly, And put her hands together making a clap echoes through the room. "What do you say to a nice glass of wine from our cellar?"

"No thank you," The dark haired and red eyed woman who is seated beside Aro answered, "We are not Wine drinkers,"

"Oh," Amara's grandmother let out,

"I take it your Olive oil connoisseurs then?" Amara couldn't help the words leaving her mouth before she could stop them, And the second they did and she realized what she had said she immediately begin biting the inside of her cheeks, And kicking herself.

She's not supposed to speak in business meetings until spoken to, it's business 101! How could she be so stupid? how?

"I guess so," The woman chuckled wonderfully, And at the sound Amara looked up surprised that the woman found it funny, And that the joke had actually landed.

That never happens with Amara's humor,

"Well," Her grandfather started, "If wine is not your cup of tea then how would you like to celebrate this deal? It's bad luck to not celebrate after one," He asked, And their guest all looked at each other before the raven haired man spoke.

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