Soft kicks💞

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Third person's POV

Katsuki was on the couch, sited with his legs crossed, reading a book and eating fruits.
Sometimes he would rub his belly hoping that their daughter will start moving inside him.

Izuku was in his office working when there was a knock at the door "come in" and Katsuki entered his office "hey baby how are you 2 doing?""we're doing good" he said sitting on his laps and putting his arms around Izuku's neck " can you make me a snack?" asked Katsuki "sure thing princesses" he said picking up Katsuki bridal style and exiting his office to go downstaris to the kitchn

Izuku's POV

I put Kacchan on a stool and then asked him " what are you 2 craving?""strawberries and mango""ok". I started taking out a plate where i put a mango and 5 strawberries, i washed the fruits and started cutting them  in mini cubes and then put them on the plate. I served the fruits to my love "thank you Zuzu!""your welcome baby" he started happily eating and he offered me a piece of mango that i took without esitation. Once he finished devouring his snack i took the plate and put it in the dishwasher; meanwhile he headed to the couch and turned on Netflix to put a movie. He was laying down so i sat behind him resting my back on the armset and his head was in my laps. "what movie are we watching?""I wanted to watch Stranger Things; is that ok?""sure sweetheart"he then clicked play.

2 hours later

Katsuki's POV

I was minding my own business while Zuzu got back in his office to complete his work after we watched an entire season of Stranger Things; i was rubbing my belly but i stopped when something poked my hand. I was excited that our unborn daughter kicked for the first time. I speed walked up the stairs and got to Zuzu's office door and walked in without knocking. "ZUZU!""hey baby what is happening?" he said panicking hearing me shout "our daughter kicked for the first time!" I said tearing up in joy "that's  fantastic princess!" he said hugging me before i tarted crying in joy. "Baby don't cry it's ok" he said rubbing my back to calm me down.

But we didn't now that that was the start of hell.

2 months later 

third person's POV

"Zuzu!!""yes sweetheart?"said Izuku a bt worried that his lover called for him; "the baby is kicking me can you rub my belly?"asked Katsuki wincing in pain  "sure princess"answered the greenete taking a seat next to him on the couch as he put the blonde on his lap to rub his belly. " she is kicking and moving so much""i know baby i'm sorry"he said kissing his puppy all over his face to make the blondie giggle. "we have to think about names, i'm 7 months alredy""well i have one in mind""really? what is it?""Izumi, it means Spring""wow that's good it's like your name right?""yeah that's why i thought about it""well I like it so i think that her name is gonna be Izumi""that's right"

2months later

Katsuki's POV

I'm 9 months and my belly is heavy; thinking about giving birth is scaring me because i know that it's gonna hurt like hell. We already packed 2 trolleys for the hospital, one with baby clothes, and other things for her; while in the other trolley there are things for me and Zuzu like clothes, snacks a pillow and many other things. We were laying in bed cuddling when i felt a pre-labor cramp; it's not the first time that i get them but they always hurt a bit. I winced as another cramp come " are you ok baby?""y-yeah just pre-labor cramps""ok do you need another pillow?""yeah please Zuzu""it's okay puppy here"he said putting a pillow underneath my hip "a bit better?""yeah thank you babe""no problem sweetheart"and we continued cuddling until another cramp hit me but this time it was more powerful and then Zuzu asked me"baby did you pee yourself?" and that's the moment that it hit me " i-'m g-going into l-labor"I whispered and he heard "fuck" he said taking off the covers off us and helping me sit to change my pants and put on our shoes. he picked me up and brought me to the car and seated me in the passenger's sit as he ran to pick the trolleys and come back putting them in the back. He jumped in the driver's seat and started driving to the hospital "h-how fare i-is the h-h-ospital?" i asked " 10 minutes, can you do it?"he asked me " y-yes i t-think""ok hold my hand "he said offering me his right hand and i took and started squeezing it as another cramp came.

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