Soft Kicks 2💞

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Third's person POV

For the first time the couple was home with their little daughter and they were really happy that they came back from the hospital. Katsuki couldn't move much so he was staying in bed with his daughter

 Katsuki couldn't move much so he was staying in bed with his daughter

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( the bed it's something like this)

"hey princess, is Izumi sleeping?" asked Izuku softly entering their bedroom "yeah i just put her down for a nap" answered Katsuki looking to his side to watch his daughter sleeping. "do you want something? They said you have to eat fruits so i made some if you want""yes Zuzu thank you" said the blonde reaching for the container filled with fruits and the fork. The greenette sat at the end of the bed admiring his beautiful daughter that hasn't opened her eyes, not yet "when will you have to feed her?""in like 1 hour" "do you wanna go downstairs to watch some TV?" "no, I'm scared that she'll wake up and we'll not hear her""that's ok" said Izuku getting up to change into something more comfortable and got in bed next to his lover

 The greenette sat at the end of the bed admiring his beautiful daughter that hasn't opened her eyes, not yet "when will you have to feed her?""in like 1 hour" "do you wanna go downstairs to watch some TV?" "no, I'm scared that she'll wake up and ...

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Izuku hugged his lover from the side as the blondie cuddled into him falling asleep and being followed by the taller guy.

50 minutes later

Katsuki's POV

I was awaked by Izumi's hungry cry. I gently picked her up letting her access to my chest to let her drink my milk. After about 10 minutes she finished and starting whining "what's wrong baby?" i asked knowing that i won't get an answer. I checked the time '11:24' my phone said "what's wrong baby?" i laid her back on her crib checking her diaper and seeing that it's dry 'what could it be?' i thought picking her up as i started soothing her and humming lowly a song. "baby it's all ok?" i jumped as Zuzu talked waking up "i don't know she won't stop crying""can i try holding her?" he asked sitting up "sure here be gentle""obviously". Zuzu took her "hey princess what's up? why are you crying?" Zuzu started kissing her on the head whispering soft things to her; i watched knowing that Zuzu was gonna be the best dad there is. Soon Izumi stopped crying and Zuzu said "maybe she's a daddy's girl" he said passing me the sleeping newborn as i put her in the crib, putting a blanket on her "maybe you're right, she's just a princess like me" and as i said that he chuckled "yes you're right, my 2 princesses" and i leaned on him.

In the morning

"wake up baby c'mon you need to feed 'zumi""mmh? what? what time is it?""9am c'mon""ok help me sit up" and as i said that he seated me up and passed me Izumi. I breastfeed her and when she finished I put her on the bed; she started crying as i picked her up again and soothed her "Zuzu can you pick her? she won't stop crying""yeah baby give me her" and i passed her to Zuzu and she stopped immediately and curled up on him "do you want help to change?""yeah, did she fall asleep?""yeah"

Izuku's POV

I put her down in her crib covering her with a blanket and going to Kat picking him up and seating him at the end of the bed to pick out some clothes for him

I put her down in her crib covering her with a blanket and going to Kat picking him up  and seating him at the end of the bed to pick out some clothes for him

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"what do you wanna do?" i asked Kat "we can watch a film on my phone ""ok, what movie?""Scream?""you won't get scared?" he shook his head meaning no so we layed in bed and started watching it with earbugs on when a jumpscare came i saw Kat flinch and clinge to me meaning that it was scaring him "are you scared?" i asked pausing the movie"n-no don't worry let's continue the movie i'm alright" i sighed and continued the film.

When the movie finished

"so, did you like it?""y-yeah it was good""ok i think that i'm gonna nap""what but it's only 11am""i'm sleepy i stayed awake the night to finish work""o-ok" and as i said that i got comfortable and fall asleep

Katsuki's POV

As Zuzu fell asleep i was scared because that movie scared me so much that i can't fall asleep so i was just clinging to Zuzu hoping that nothing will happen. i heard some noises coming from downstairs that only scared me more and more. I was whimpering when the noises seemed to get closer and closer until they completely stopped and... BANG! there was someone trying to enter in the bedroom "Z-Zuzu!"i whispered "mmh?" Zuzu said "p-please wake up i-i'm scared!" i said shaking him "what's wrong baby? why are you whispering?""t-there were some noises from downstairs and they started getting closer and there is someone banging at the bedroom door!" "ok i will go check""n-no! p-please stay here!""wait here baby" and as he said that he got out of bed going to the door and opening it "see no one!" "b-but the noises from downstairs?""baby you were scared and heard those because you watched that film that scared you!"he said "oh, o-ok sorry" i said a bit upset that i woke him up for such a stupid thing "that's ok baby you were just scared"

Izuku's POV

I got back in bed next to him and asked "what do you want to eat?""n-nothing! please don't leave us here all alone!" he said meaning him and Izumi "you don't want to eat?""no i-i'm not hungry" he said visibly scared of me going downstairs and leaving them alone "well i'm hungry so i'm going downstairs to eat "i said smirking waiting for his reaction. He widened his eyes and said "o-ok, i'm gonna stay h-here" then he layed back down on the bed completely covering himself with the covers and comforter. I got down stairs preparing myself a sandwich and ate it going to sit on the couch and watch TV when...

"ZUZU! PLEASE COME!!" i started running upstairs to Kat hearing him shout panicked. I entered the bedroom to find him with Izumi in his arms, wide eyed staring at the window and.....

There was someone watching him. I ran and picked him up taking him downstairs and setting him on the couch turning on the security system and going back upstairs to see the window open and the man wasn't there....



I like this and i think i'm gonna do another part of it

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