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In this one-shot Kat is sick and his lovely boyfriend is there to help him get better! ʕ•͡-•ʔ ♡☯

Third's person POV:

It was a normal afternoon for the couple they were talking while watching a movie on the couch, Katsuki laying on top of Izuku.
"Want a snack?" asked the greenette "no thank you""are you ok?""I feel a bit lightheaded" "wanna take a nap?" "yeah that would be great" the freckled boy picked up his boyfriend and carried him upstairs to their bedroom and laid him down on the bed. "sleep baby I will go and work a bit" "ok... Night" "night sweetheart" and with that Izuku switched off the lights and closed the door, leaving the blond boy by himself to rest.

2 hours later

Izuku's POV:
I decided to check up on Kat so I got out of my office and walked to our room to see the lights off, meaning that he didn't wake up. I took a seat on the edge of the bed next to him, caressing his cheek. "Mmh...." "Are you awake princess?" "mmmmhmmh" "i will, take that as a yes" he opened his eyes looking at me sleeply "felling better?" "n-no" " what do you mean?" "I feel hot and cold at the same time and my stomach is hurting" "nauseous?" he nod "wanna try to go to the bathroom?" "y-yeah" I picked him up and took him to the conjoined bathroom, seating him in front of the toilet. "Z-Zuzu" "yeah princess?" "i-I feel like t-throwing up" he said between sniffles "I know babe but I'm right here ok? I will stay by your side" he launched forward and started throwing up and crying holding my hand. With my free hand I was rubbing his stomach in a circular motion to help him a bit. After about 5 minutes he finished and rested his head on my shoulder leaning into me "hey it's ok, think you can keep down some medicine?" "y-yeah" I got up and handed him a glass with some water and the medicine., he looked hesitant so I said "cmon baby, it's to help you" after some whining he finally took them. "cmon let's get you to bed" I picked him up and took him to the bed. I saw him shiver and I asked him in a soft tone "you cold baby?" "mhm.... And I have an headache" he said rubbing his temple with his hand. I took off my hoodie and gave it to him "wait let me check your temperature" I said picking the thermometer "open" I said putting it in his mouth. After 3 minutes it beeped '39. 4' (103 Fahrenheit) "you've got a high fever princess" I whispered. He hummed in acknowledge. I got back in the bathroom and wetted a towel with cold water. I put that on his forehead and took a near trash can in case that he throws up again. He whined "what's wrong?" "h-head hur-ts" "ok let me get something for your headache" and before I could walk off "nnuuuuuu please stayyyyyyy" "it will take just a minute sweetheart" and as I said that I closed the door and walked to the kitchen to get some medicine.

After 1 hour and a half

I finished my paperwork for today so I got up to check on Kat. When I opened the door the lights were still off so that was meaning that he was asleep. I sat on the bed and took the towel off his head  and put that on the bedside table. I moved his hair off his sweaty forehead and gave him a kiss. Slowly he opened his eyes and looked at me confused and sleeply "sorry baby that I woke you up" "'s ok" "want something to eat?" "...... No""you have to eat something babe""I-I'm scared th-at I'll throw up again" I sighed and got downstairs to prepare him some fruits. When I finished I got back in our bedroom and sat next to him on the bed "cmon princess let's get this done" he whined and turned around facing the wall "puppyyyy please just a little bit" I said getting frustrated. In response I got another whine so I put the plate on the bed side table and turned Kat around and seated him on my laps. One hand was on his waist so he couldn't escape and with the other I took the fork with a piece of strawberry and neared it to his mouth. He looked at it and slowly opened his mouth.

30 minutes later

He eated a quarter of the fruits that I prepared "stop..." "you're not hungry anymore?" he shook his head "that's ok you did a good job" I said kissing his forehead.

Katsuki's POV:

I was laying in bed scrolling on Instagram while being cuddled by Zuzu. My stomach was a bit better but it still hurt and same thing goes for my head. I put the phone down and turned around and cuddled deeper into Zuzu's chest "sleepy?" "no..." "then what's wrong?" "my stomach... Still hurts" he started rubbing my belly and it was helping, even if just a bit. "do you feel like you're gonna throw up?" "maybe...." he sat up taking me with him and he grabbed the near bin, and put it under my chin. After some seconds I started vomiting and tearing up while Zuzu was holding my hair and rubbing circular motions on my back. After 10 minutes I finished throwing up all the things that I ate before. I rested my body on Zuzu's and he started whispering sweet nothings in my ear. "Are you cold?" "N-no" "baby I can see you shivering, wanna get changed?" "ok..."

He got me dressed in this ⇡⇧⟰ while he dressed in a black hoodie and sweatpants

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He got me dressed in this ⇡⇧⟰ while he dressed in a black hoodie and sweatpants. We got back in bed to cuddle. I fell asleep after some minutes while he was playing with my hair.

1 hour later

Izuku's POV:

I was next to a sleeping Kat in the bed while I was using my phone playing with his hair. I felt some movements next to me and I looked down to see two, sleepy ruby eyes staring at me "'morning again princess" "mmmh morning.." "i have to take your temperature" I got up and walked to the bedside table and took the thermometer and sat next to him. "open" he opened his mouth and I put the thermometer in his mouth and he closed it. After a minute it beeped and I took it out '102' (38.8 Celsius)
"it did go down a bit but it's still a bit high so let me get a cold towel" I got to the bathroom and took a towel and wetted it with cold water and squeezed it. I walked back to the bedroom and put the towel on Kat's forehead. He whined from the cold sensation but I shushed him, giving him kisses. "it's ok baby, felling like you could eat?" I asked him; he shook his head no, scared that the same thing that happened 1 hour ago could repeat itself. "want something to drink? Water, juice, milk...?" "w-warm milk" "ok I will go make it, I'll be back in a few" I said getting out of the bedroom and downstairs in the kitchen. When i finished I put the milk in a bottle because it would make him more comfortable drinking it. When I got back in the room I saw him scrolling on his phone. "hey kitten I got your milk" when he saw it his eyes sparkled and he did grabby hands towards it. "calm down I will give it to you" I sat on the bed and seated him on my lap so he could drink it. "there you go" I said handing him the bottle. Even when he was not in little space he liked drinking from it.  While he was drinking I was rubbing his waist comforting him. "is it good?" he nod "do you feel like you could keep down some medicine?" "m-maybe.... I don't know"he coughed a bit so I thought that I could give him some cough syrup." did you finish the milk? "" a-almost""it's ok take your time" I checked the time in my watch '07:36' it said. I was thinking what I could eat for dinner when I felt a tug on my shoulder and when I looked down I saw Kat handing me his bottle. I took it and picked him up, going downstairs to the kitchen and putting the bottle in the sink to wash it later. I started preparing Kat's cough syrup and medicine. When I handed the tablets to him he turned his face around, snuggling in my shoulder, refusing to eat them "cmon baby the faster you swallow them the faster you get your cuddles" he looked at them and slowly opened his mouth. I plopped them in and kept my hand on his mouth so he couldn't spit them. After that I gave him the syrup;he took it without any problem because it was strawberry flavored. "now... cwddles" he said so I walked to the bedroom and laid down with him on top of me. We got under the covers and fell asleep.

Sorry that it took me so long but I'm busy because of school, sport and a my BFF's b-day is coming up!
Hope you enjoined this chapter

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