Chapter 16

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After expressing our sincerest gratitudes and receiving the mirror from the woman, we were on our way back home.

"The remaining treasures are hidden somewhere connected with the legend," Hanzo said, breaking the silence. "Do you have any ideas as to where that is?"

I looked down at the mirror, which the woman had kindly wrapped up for us. I held on to it tighter as I racked my brains, feverishly searching my memories for any sort of clue. "Hmmm," I whispered quietly, "Maybe... just maybe?"

Hanzo asked "Did you remember something?"

"That last night, the night when..." I trailed off, shaking my head. Don't do that to yourself, Sheeta. Don't dwell on it... I continued, "Papa was beginning to tell me something about the legend, I just know it. The Yasakani no Magatama... It was hung from an evergreen tree, in order to draw out Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess, out from her hiding spot in a nearby cave..."

"An evergreen tree...?" Hanzo absentmindedly scratched at his chin, looking deep in thought. "If the Yatano Mirror was here in the capital, then it would seem logical that the others would be here as well, yes..?"

I looked dubious. Papa was motioning to something in the altar room. He wouldn't just walk towards a random wall for no reason to just stare at it. Then it hit me:

"Oh my gosh... Hanzo!"

Poor Hanzo, so deep in his thoughts, nearly jumped out of his skin when I shouted his name. "Geez, woman. What is it?"

"Home! My house...-! I lived on the outskirts of an evergreen forest! I remember, I used to go exploring as a kid, in the forest near home!" I kept getting more and more excited with every word I spoke, and, judging by Hanzo's face, he was following my exact train of thought.

"I know where to go from here," I grinned.

Sometime later, after Hanzo and I had alerted the rest of the men back at base, we were all on horseback, heading towards my home village. Yoshitsune insisted that he take the mirror and put it in safe keeping, assuring everyone that it would be out of harm's way. After that, Hanzo pulled me aside and handed me the dagger I had borrowed once before. I looked at him, confused.

"Just in case," he said, hurriedly. "I think its best if you have it; better to be safe than sorry. And I cleaned it, don't worry. Nothing gross is on the blade anymore." God, I love it when he smiles at me like this. It's so cheeky.

"Thanks Hanzo." I smiled up at him and felt my heart swell when I locked eyes with his. I couldn't resist giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek. His face immediately reddened as he pulled me in for a strong hug.

I couldn't help but smile at the events that took place not so long ago as I replayed them in my head. I kept my eyes down at the reins of my horse, but I felt the corners of my lips rise into a stupid grin. I giggled at my girlish impulses.

"What's so funny, Princess?" Hanzo said coolly, cantering alongside me. His gaze was held fixated on the road, but the tone in his voice beheld a playful aspect.

"Nothin," I lied, grinning even wider. "Just being an idiot."

"Oh, good. You've come to terms with it. I was afraid you'd never realize your potential at great idiocy." Hanzo joked. I blew a raspberry at him before he guided his horse ahead to check our measures. What a dork...

The sun was in high noon position and the clouds were starting to cluster in puffs in the sky. Hyuga shielded his eyes as he looked at the sun, frowning slightly. "I can feel the moisture in the air thicken. We don't have much time until a storm arrives." Everyone else looked up and grimly agreed. I couldn't help but smile.

"Do you guys melt? Rain is good for us, it won't harm anyone to be in it." I chuckled.

Yoshitsune smiled warmly at my teasing. "I suppose you bring around a good point, Sheeta." I beamed. "However, we have supplies we may need that we don't want to get wet. Namely the food." He lowered his voice and leaned closer to me, as if about to share a secret. "And you know how upset Hyosuke would be if you gave him soggy bread," He winked and I laughed.

"Yoshitsune, sir. Would you like a couple of us to scout ahead and find a cave or shelter of some sort?" asked Enya. "I don't necessarily mind getting my feathers wet, but if it downpours, we'll need a more defensable position."

Yoshitsune nodded. "Good thinking, Enya. Kazemasa, you, Hyosuke, and I will scout ahead in all directions. Hyuga, " he paused, pointing in Hyuga's direction, "Sheeta is in your care until we return."

"Ooh, fun fun..." Hyuga said under his breath. "As you wish, Sir." I locked eyes with Hanzo and he gave me a strange look. It was one I had seen my father give my mother when she wanted to do something that wasn't necessarily noble. I shrugged at him and gave a small smile, to which he returned half-heartedly. This ought to be fun...

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