Chapter 33, Did we forget something?

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*After that you went to sleep*

Time jump: The next day you went to the amusement park and had a lot of fun. The next day, too, everything went well until late afternoon. Now it continues shortly before dinner.

Reece: So, what do we want to eat?

Phil: We have quite a lot of vegetables in the fridge, we could make a vegetable pasta casserole, that would be easy and not take so much time.

Mason: That sounds like a good idea.

Jack: Yes, because we still need time to pack.

Y/N: Oh, I totally forgot, I just brought the stuff for here.

Jack: I forgot a little bit too, but I would suggest we just go home and get the stuff.

Ben: Oops, I haven't packed anything for the Euros either.

Reece: Me neither.

Phil: (laughs) Luckily me and Mase live here.

Mason: Yeah, but don't worry, you just go pack and we'll make sure dinner is ready at six, meanwhile we can pack our things too.

Jack: That's a good idea, then I'd say let's do that straight away.

Ben: I'll go too.

Reece: Can you take me with you again?

Ben: Sure, I'll drop you off at home and come back for you when I'm ready.

Reece: Thank you.

Phil: Just make sure you're back by 6pm.

Jack: We will.

*You all left to pack your bags*

*With Mason and Phil:

Mason: I say we chop the vegetables first.

Phil: Yeah, then we can just put the food together just before we put it in the oven.

Mason: Right, I'd say that's the easiest idea.

Phil: Yeah, I think so too.

*The two started peeling and cutting the vegetables*.

Phil: So, now that we are alone again, how are things with Y/N?

Mason: (smiles) I think it's going well, but everything takes time.

Phil: You're right and I don't begrudge you that. It's obvious that you have a lot of love for each other.

*The two continued to talk while they prepared and packed the food*.

Mason Mount and Y/N GrealishWhere stories live. Discover now