Authors Pov:
You guys ik I said I was ending this book soon BUT...............I changed my mind! I realized I got y'all hopes up and it'd be wrong of me to just end it like that. But anyways with that being said hope y'all enjoy!
Third Person Pov:David was walking through the streets of Harlem with only one person on his mind. And as you have have guessed, it was Tyler.
The two haven't spoken since the argument which was weeks ago and they're separation had been slowly killing them especially David.
Tyler was on his mind every second of everyday and David hated it. He just needed a distraction, so David decided to take a walk.
"Aye hollon!" David heard someone yell from behind him.
He started speed walking thinking it was a fan, he didn't wanna be bothered at the moment.
He continues speedwalking untill the person finally caught up to him grabbing his shoulder in order to stop him.
"Wait a damn minute now don't be grabbing on m-"
David stopped talking mid sentence as he looked up at the taller figure noticing how fine he was.
He was tall, darkskin, with dreads and clearly had the ability to steal anybody's girl. Hell, even they boyfriend.
"Oh shit...." David said underneath his breath.
"I know yo small ass heard me telling you to hold on, and yo ass gone keep walking." He said.
"My bad." The shorter said.
"Mhm..... anyways I wanted to ask you if I could get yo number?" The darkskined boy asked.
David thought about it for a moment and decided why not? It's not like they'd been in a relationship, just a friendship.
"I guess." He told the taller boy.
And with that being said they both exchanged numbers.
"Call me pretty boa." The taller smirked before he walked away.
David kinda felt disgusted when he said that, only Tyler called him that.
"I'm just gone pretend he ain't just say that." He said to himself before he walked away as well.
"Tyler maybe you should just move on?" McKenzie suggested.
"why?" The male asked.
"Because if David really liked you like you think he does, he wouldve sat down and talked to you already. Its been weeks." Mckenzie said.
"you right." Tyler sighed.
He then got a notification letting him know that somebody just dm'ed him on ig.
*His dms*
@lovelypeachesmusic100 uhhh i just caught DD exchanging numbers with some random person on the personally if that was my nigga i wouldnt let that slide ifykwim
Tyler stared at the picture in disbelief.
"Wow." is all he could say.
"What is it?" Mckenzie asked.
She then peaked over at Tylers phone and her jaw dropped.
" sorry Tyler." She said trying to comfort her brother in the best way she could.
"Nah its ok, i aint stressin." He lied.
"Tyler its ok if your feelings are hurt, you dont have to fake being tough." The girl said.
"no fr im fine." He lied again.
But if were being honest, Tyler wanted to break down in tears. He lost all hope and faith in David and he felt stupid for ever having hope and faith in him. He made it very clear that he didnt wanna be in a relationship with Tyler, now its time for him to accept that.
Hope yall enjoyed ❤️

ФанфикDDOSAMA X LUH TYLER "I told you...this is strictly business."