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Chapter 11

Sheng Yang pretended to accompany Shi Yan back to the dormitory, and slipped in under the questioning eyes of the dormitory uncle.

But when he reached the door of Shi Yan's bedroom, he was turned away, "Don't follow me."

After Shi Yan said these four words, he ruthlessly closed the door.

Sheng Yang's nose almost hit the door, but he braked in time: "Hey, Shi Yan, why are you so stingy!"

Sheng Yang kicked the door angrily, "Stingy.

" Knowing that he made a mistake first, he obediently went back to the dormitory to get a new set of school uniforms, and there were two sets of new school uniforms that he hadn't worn in the original master closet.

Back at the door of Shi Yan's bedroom, Sheng Yang knocked on the door passionately: "Shi Yan, open the door, open the door." Shi Yan

entered the bedroom, took off his coat quickly and dirty, took out a garbage bag to put it in alone, and went to the closet I found a clean school uniform and was about to go into the bathroom to change when a series of knocks on the door came from outside.

In that battle, there was a great chance that if he didn't open the door, the other party would be knocked to the ground and grow old.

Shi Yan originally wanted to ignore it, but the blare outside the door was really annoying, so he could only come out of the bathroom, grabbed his clothes and walked to the door, opened a finger-wide gap, and looked at Sheng Yang indifferently "What do you want?"

Sheng Yang's hand that was still knocking was empty because the other party opened the door suddenly. He withdrew his hand awkwardly and picked up the school uniform in his hand: "I'll give you a clean school uniform." "I don't need it.

" .” Shi Yan refused without even thinking about it.

Sheng Yang said: "Don't be like this, I'm new, I haven't worn it once." "

No, I have it myself." Shi Yan moved his left hand, Sheng Yang glanced at the school uniform in his hand, and was speechless , and said: "What's yours is yours, what's mine is mine, it's different, I'm the one who stained your clothes, so I should pay you." "You're

shorter than me." Shi Yan beat him mercilessly.

Sheng Yang: "..."

"I'm going to change my clothes." Seeing that Sheng Yang stopped talking, Shi Yan closed the door decisively, Sheng Yang quickly stretched out an arm to stop him, "Don't close the door, the school uniforms are all loose and large, even if I'm shorter than you, The clothes are one size smaller than yours, so you can definitely wear them."

Sheng Yang said as he squeezed in.

His hand was stuck in the crack of the door, Shi Yan couldn't use his strength, so he could only let him in.

"I don't like to wear other people's clothes." Afraid that Sheng Yang wouldn't understand, Shi Yan added indifferently: "I don't like new ones either." After everyone was let in, Shi Yan couldn't do anything, closed the door again, and let

Sheng Yang Standing in the dormitory, he walked towards the bathroom.

However, Sheng Yang is a stubborn child. In his perception, Shi Yan's refusal is to be angry with him, and when Shi Yan is angry, the corresponding ending is that his family will be ruined and his family will be ruined, and he will die young.

The ending of the book casts too much shadow on Sheng Yang.

So when Shi Yan walked to the bathroom without looking back, Sheng Yang became anxious, he took two steps after him, and took Shi Yan's hand, "Don't be so indifferent, the new clothes are so nice, the new clothes are fragrant and clean, I guarantee that you will like it after you put it on."

Sheng Yang threw the school uniform in his hand to the lower bunk beside him, and then used both hands to help Shi Yan take off his shirt.

If he doesn't change it, he will change it for him!

The young man's warm hand suddenly touched him, and Shi Yan froze again like in the morning, so that he gave Sheng Yang an opportunity to lift up his clothes with his hand.

The cool wind swept across his waist and abdomen, Shi Yan suddenly returned to his senses, his indifferent eyes showed a bit of panic for the first time, and his tone was quite exasperated, "What are you doing!"

He clasped Sheng Yang's wrist forcefully.

Sheng Yang raised his eyes to look at him, his clear amber eyes were full of innocence, "I'll change your clothes for you, how about this treatment?"

He also raised an eyebrow at Shi Yan.

After finishing speaking, he continued to increase his strength, desperately wanting to take off Shi Yan's shirt, "I'll go, Shi Yan, you are so awesome, you actually have abdominal muscles!"

Sheng Yang looked up excitedly as if he had discovered a new land. Shi Yan glanced at it, and then touched it in a natural and ordinary boy's mind, "Wow, it's still tough."

"Sheng Yang, you—" Shi Yan was caught off guard by being touched, and he couldn't complete his speech. He took two steps back in confusion, and emphasized his tone: "Sheng Yang, let me go." "If you don't let go, I will change it for you.

" The clothes, why, are all men, are you still shy?" Sheng Yang gave Shi Yan a contemptuous look.

Shi Yan was so angry that he took a deep breath. Because of the rivalry between the two, the young man picked up his clothes in a very messy and disorderly manner. His silky fingers always rubbed against his waist intentionally or unintentionally, sometimes lightly and sometimes hard, as if he was playing hard to get. This action directly caused Shi Yan's usually calm heart lake to stir up obvious waves for the first time.

He looked down at the young man who was buried in destruction, and said in a deep and clear voice, "You asked for it yourself." "Yes, yes, yes, I voluntarily

changed it for you." Sheng Yang heard that and returned. As soon as he finished answering a sentence that was wrong, he found that the strength on his wrist suddenly increased, so heavy that he tightened his brows and cried out in pain.

However, this was the beginning, Shi Yan didn't know what method he used, and suddenly clamped his right hand behind his back.

"Ahhh, it hurts." Sheng Yang called out while backing away. This way, Shi Yan can't use his strength. At the same time, he twisted all over, vowing to break away from Shi Yan's control.

But when Shi Yan was too strong and his hands were too strong, Sheng Yang couldn't get it open no matter what he did. Instead, he sweated profusely, and his receding knee bumped against the edge of the lower bunk, losing strength for a moment, and fell on the bed go.

Shi Yan had almost cleaned up Sheng Yang, but when he was about to ask him, "Are you still making trouble?", he was pulled forward by a wave of inertia.

Out of instinct, Shi Yan supported the bed with his empty left hand in time, avoiding any closer contact with the boy under him.

However, because of this distance in space, Shi Yan could see the scene of Sheng Yang lying on his quilt more clearly.

I didn't know when Sheng Yang's rubber band that tied his hair fell out of the fight just now. His hair is a little long and his face is soft and beautiful. The picture of his hair scattered behind his head is really too powerful.

Shi Yan didn't realize that Sheng Yang's eyes were very clear and bright before, nor did he realize that the tear mole under his right eye corner was very red, nor did he realize that his lips were shaped like petals, so pretty.

The movement of swallowing saliva is uncontrollable.

Shi Yan even heard his strong heartbeat.

what happened to him?

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