enchanted encounters

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Marco's Pov

In the midst of a tense business exchange, chaos erupted as the police stormed in, guns blazing. Caught in the crossfire, I took a bullet and managed to escape with a handful of my loyal men. Desperate for medical attention, we reached out to our trusted doctor, only to find that he was nowhere to be found. With time running out, my right-hand man, Andrew, made a bold decision. We intercepted an ambulance en route to the hospital, commandeering it to save my life. Inside, a frightened female doctor pleaded with us to let her go, her screams echoing through the vehicle. The situation grew even more intense as we raced against time to find the help I so desperately needed.She was then brought back to the safe warehouse, where my men assured her that everything was prepared for the bullet removal operation. However, she adamantly refused, insisting on going to the hospital. "He's been shot, that's a crime!" she exclaimed. Faced with her resistance, my men resorted to threatening her. Despite my fading consciousness and the blood loss, I couldn't help but notice her beautiful hair as I peered through my nearly closed eye.

After some resistance and her initial refusal, she ultimately agreed due to her kind-hearted nature and professional instincts. She performed the operation successfully while I was unconscious under medication. They warned  Luna not to wander in the safe warehouse and wait beside me, but her curiosity got the best of her, and she overheard important information about the exchanges Andrew and my brother Abel were discussing. Abel was promptly informed about the situation and showed up immediately in case anything happened to me, Abel couldn't resist discussing the next exchange with Andrew. It seems Abel's ambition to be the capo knows no bounds, but alas, timing wasn't on his side. He was born five years too late for that role, that's when Luna's eavesdropping didn't go unnoticed as Andrew spotted her. Abel, with his brutal heart, immediately ordered Andrew to eliminate her. However, Andrew refused, insisting on waiting until I regained consciousness and ensuring my well-being before taking any action. As I slowly regained consciousness, my eyes fluttered open, and I found myself captivated by the sight of Luna's beautiful eyes and face. It was as if time stood still, and I couldn't help but be mesmerized by her presence. Andrew and Abel burst into the room, demanding answers from Luna. With confidence, she assured them that everything was under control and that I was expected to fully recover from the gunshot wound to my chest. However, to my surprise, Abel instructed Andrew to eliminate her. Confused and unaware of the situation, Andrew filled me in on the details. In that moment, I reminded Abel that I was the capo, and ultimately, I would make the final decision.

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