Unveiling Shadows

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Luna's Pov:

I was led to a room that was adorned with a massive black bed that seemed to swallow the space. The closet stood tall, ready to hold secrets and mysteries. Long, flowing curtains draped from the ceiling, adding an air of enchantment.
I was left alone, consumed by fear and worry. I couldn't help but question what I had gotten myself into and what awaited me in this mansion. I showered, desperately trying to wash away his touch, and as I cooled down, a realization struck me: I had to be strong, fierce, and untouchable. I couldn't rely solely on his words of safety, even though his gaze seemed sincere. I had to be cautious, protect myself, and face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Marco's Pov:
Fuming with anger, I returned to the office immediately after Andrew escorted her to my room. My rage still burning, I contemplated checking up on her, but I knew she needed time to calm down and gather herself. So, I made the decision to wait for an hour, giving her the space she needed.
The hour felt like an eternity as I made my way to the room, expecting to find her scared or in tears. To my surprise, I found a pillow and blanket on the couch, while she peacefully slept in the bed. Confusion filled me as our eyes met, and she spoke up, asserting that she wouldn't share a bed with me. I couldn't help but smirk in response. She continued, mentioning that a gentleman wouldn't let a lady sleep on the couch. With each word, I inched closer, smirking again, and replied, "Yes, and a wise and smart lady wouldn't let a capo sleep on a couch either." She scoffed, expressing her hatred and disgust towards me, but I felt relieved that she hadn't lost her mind from what she had witnessed. Gently, I wiped away her tears, contemplating whether to apologize or not. As a capo, apologies weren't in my nature, so instead, I reassured her, saying, "Don't worry, I won't come near or touch you without your consent. I promise."

As her face relaxed under my touch and words, my determination to protect her grew. I suggested she wash her face and get some rest. To my surprise, I noticed her wearing my shirt. I couldn't help but eye her from head to toe. She explained that the blue-eyed guy, Andrew, had given it to her. I reassured her, saying, "It's okay, Lu." She seemed momentarily confused by the nickname, but it slipped out naturally. She went to the bathroom, leaving me with my thoughts.

I went back to the office, it hadn't even been a week, and she was already a distraction. I couldn't quite put my finger on what I was feeling, but I knew I had to distance myself and focus on work. With the exchange involving the French mafia in a month, I couldn't shake the feeling that there might be an insider who tipped off the police. To ensure safety, I made the tough call to postpone the exchange until I uncover who's responsible for the tipoff and also the doctor's disappearance is definitely suspicious, but i will set that aside for now. I've called for Andrew, so we can have a private discussion about the insider. He's the only person I trust completely in this matter.
As soon as Andrew entered the room, I briefed him on the situation. He agreed, but couldn't think of anyone who would dare tip off the police about the De Luca Mafia. So, I had a thought. I contacted a police officer I know and asked for an urgent meeting to share my plan.

Luna's Pov:
I've been waiting all day for him to come to the room, constantly asking about him. I really wanted him to take me to the hospital so I could check on my patients. It's frustrating being stuck here, leaving so many patients behind. I dedicated my life to them after the loss of my parents. After waiting all day, Marco finally walked into the room. I couldn't contain my excitement and jumped from the bed, letting out a scream of relief. He looked confused, so I cleared my throat and told him I had been waiting for him all day. He gazed at me with his captivating eyes and encouraged me to continue. I expressed my desire to go to the hospital to tend to my patients. With a firm voice, he moved my hair away from my face and whispered, "You have a patient right here that you still haven't taken care of." As he twisted my hair, I felt butterflies in my stomach. I told him, "It's not my fault you didn't show up today. By the way, your wound is looking all healed." He surprised me by taking my hand and placing it on the wound. "I can't let you go," he murmured softly, and although I felt a sense of disappointment, it wasn't entirely unexpected. I watched as he slowly removed his shirt, his sculpted physique captivating me instantly. Our eyes locked, and a mischievous smirk played on his lips. He beckoned me to assist him, and I was frozen in disbelief. Eventually, I gathered the courage to help and asked him to let me examine his wound. I asked him how long I was supposed to stay there, and he whispered in my ear while removing my hair, "As long as it takes."

As I changed into my swimsuit and emerged from the bathroom, I noticed him waiting for me, engrossed in his phone. Our eyes locked, and he checked me out with a smirk. "Let's go," he said, and moments later, we entered a stunning indoor pool. The interior was truly breathtaking. He went to the pool's edge and carefully got in, reassuring me to be careful too. I jumped into the pool and swam towards him. Suddenly, I felt his hands on my back, guiding me to his side. We started to swim together, and I couldn't help but be captivated by him. It was as if he was a work of art, leaving me with butterflies and a strange reaction to his touch. I couldn't take my eyes off him and he noticed.

Marco's Pov:

After a refreshing swim to clear my head, I quickly showered, got dressed, and headed to the office. I called Andrew to check if he had set up the meeting. Abel walked in with Andrew and filled me in on the details. I had sent Abel to handle a job as our enforcer, and he updated me on the situation. He then asked about Luna, and I assured him that everything was under control. I shared with him about the insider and he mentioned his own ways. I told him to wait for now.
I instructed Andrew and Abel to closely monitor the men's actions, searching for any signs of suspicious behavior. I then shared his plan with them, emphasizing the importance of keeping it a secret. I decided not to tell anyone about the postpone of the exchange date, but we will informe the men that it would take place the following week. During this time, Andrew and Abel compile a list of names. each man in the list would be assigned a specific address, and the traitor would be exposed when the police apprehended them at their designated location. During meet-up with our man inside , we'll show him the photos and names of the men on the list to see if he recognizes any of them. We'll also ask him keep us updated if any of the addresses we provide them become known to the police. Andrew and Abel are totally on board with the plan and i ended the meeting and asked them to get to work.

After my physical therapy session, I headed back to the office and decided it was a good time to do some gun training. The thought crossed my mind if Luna would be interested in joining me. So, I asked my men to bring her to me. And there she was, walking in with her stunning slender body, wearing a crop top and shorts. I couldn't help but admire her. I asked her if she'd like to go to the gun range with me, and she confessed that she had never shot a gun before. I assured her that I would be more than happy to teach her and she agreed and we headed to my garage to drive there.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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