Bound by choice

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Marco, the leader of the De Luca family, pushed through the pain, taking on the responsibility of the Italian mafia. With Andrew's guidance, he focused on every detail, determined to solve the problem and protect their business. Marco decided to keep Luna locked up until the exchange, and he urgently asked to meet her right away.
Luna's Pov:
as I sat alone in the room, the sound of approaching footsteps filled the air. The door creaked open, revealing a tall man with piercing blue eyes that sent shivers down my spine. He requested my presence to meet their capo. In that moment, fear gripped me and I couldn't help but utter the word "capo?" He simply nodded and urged me to move. Minutes later, I found myself in a stunning office within a beautiful mansion. As I entered, my eyes met his, and I instantly recognized him as the injured man from my thoughts. It all made sense now. Those captivating, grey eyes of his, I hadn't noticed before, but they were truly beautiful.

in the deepest, most commanding voice, he ordered me to take a seat. And you know, your curiosity has certainly led us into quite the predicament. I shook my head, confused, and stuttered, saying, "Trouble? I saved your life!" And it wasn't even my choice, you forced it. How am I in trouble? He looked at me, clearly angry by my tone and he said Andrew asked you not to wander around and stay still, and you didn't listen. You eavesdropped about our businesses. Now, you have two options: we eliminate you and your entire family, or you stay here, assist me in my recovery, and become our trusted doctor. However, you must remain here until I can fully trust you." Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at him and pleaded, "Here, in the mansion? I can't stay here. I have patients, a life..." But with no sympathy, he calmly uttered, "Okay then, you die," and without hesitation, he pointed the gun at my head. In that intense moment, fear coursed through my veins as he aimed the gun at my head. Trembling, I blurted out, "Fine, fine! I'll stay, you jerk! This is kidnapping! But mark my words, the moment I escape, you'll rot in prison!" His chilling response echoed in the room, "I would love to see you try."

Marco's Pov:
Her captivating amber eyes met mine, filled with fear and defiance. I couldn't help but be mesmerized by her beauty and the strength she displayed. She had heard too much, and as the capo, I couldn't let her go freely. But I couldn't bring myself to harm her either. I made the decision to hold her, to keep her close, ensuring her safety while also safeguarding our secrets. Despite her threats and Abel's insistence on her elimination, she would remain within my sight. With a smirk, I leaned in and whispered, "You will visit my chamber each night." Her expression twisted with a mixture of terror and disgust as she pleaded, "No! Please, no." Chuckling softly, I clarified, "Do you truly believe I desire you? You will come for my physical therapy, tending to my wounded arm." She nodded thoroughly, and I said, "Alright then, you got yourself a deal. See you at 10 PM after I finish working." She nodded again, my gaze shifted towards Andrew, silently communicating to him to take her back to the room she was staying in.

Luna's Pov:

I was escorted back into my room by the tall blue eyed man and  assigned a guard to stay with me , I couldn't help but feel a mix of shock and discomfort as the guard's gaze lingered on me, making me feel like he was ready to devour me. It was a terrifying moment, even scarier than when a gun was pointed at my head.
I gazed at the tall guy pleadingly, and whispered, "I swear, I won't attempt to flee. Please, I don't need a guard." He gave me a puzzled look and responded, "It's not your decision to make." I nodded silently as he left, realizing that he probably wouldn't understand or agree with my request.
Marco's Pov:

I couldn't wait for time to fly by so I could gaze into her captivating amber eyes once more. And as a capo, it was crucial for me to swiftly regain the use of my other arm. By 10pm, I found myself in the office with Andrew. Locking eyes with him, I instructed him to summon the guard and bring her to my room. I also made sure to inquire about the readiness for physical therapy. Andrew nodded, assuring me that everything was in order. However, his expression shifted to one of concern when the guard failed to respond, especially considering his troubling history of harassment. Suddenly, piercing screams for help pierced the air, leaving us both on edge. I rushed to the room, fueled by anger, as I knew she was the only woman on the floor. Seeing the guard pinning her down and covering her mouth, my rage intensified. Without hesitation, Andrew forcefully pushed him off her. In a fit of rage, I looked at him and delivered a powerful punch, declaring, "You dare lay a hand on her!" I swiftly shot the arm that was pinning her down, causing him to scream in pain. He confessed that she was a captive and kept saying what's the problem in the mansion, but I was determined not to let him get away with it. I shot his other arm and ordered them to take him into custody, ensuring he would live so i can take my sweet time making him pay for it.

I looked at luna to see her trembling, overcome with fear and tears streaming down her face. I said to her "From now on, you'll be staying in my room."She pleaded to be let go, promising not to say anything. I turned to Andrew and instructed him to take her to my room and get her fresh clothes. As Luna kept pleading, "No, please, let me go," I looked into her eyes and gently reassured her, "I won't let anything harm you. You're safe with me."

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