Thirteen: Alleyway

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Corvina Maxwell

I laughed, Jessie telling me about their heated sex.

"That's incredible! Is it big?" Caden asked.

"Fuck yeah. But... I'm waiting about you and Mr. Daddy Ecstasy." She looked at me.

"What about what?" I paused.

"You two. He is so fucking in love with you." She told me.

I gave a small laugh.

"I doubt it's happening any time soon." I replied.

"Do you not like him?" Caden asked.

"I do. Honestly I do." I nodded.

But I had to tell him that. And that was the scary part.

Because they had no idea.

"Let's go back out before Zaddy gets mad his girl is gone too long." Caden winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

When I was in his view I looked and he just stared.

"I'm gonna go get a refill!" I yelled over the music and they nodded.

I walked to the rope, letting myself in and grabbing my drink.

His eyes were pinned to me.

It was new, I wasn't used to being stared at consistently.

"Don't I get boring?" I looked at him and he looked offended.

I sat down beside him, the rest of them gone to god knows where.

"I'm serious. Four years and I'm still all you think you want?" I asked.

His face stilled, jaw ticking.

"I don't believe I am actually that interesting."

His hands were in fists on his legs.

"I need air." He stood and left, ignoring and shoving through the people around him.

Harden looked at him then to me.

"Why is he leaving?" He took a shot that sat on our table.

"I'm unsure, I think he's upset at something I said."

"What'd you say?"

"That he's spent four years thinking I'm what he wants. I don't understand how I don't get boring." I said and he sighed.

"Corvina, you don't have the problems he does. He has a consistent mental battle with himself and he has about you for two years until he accepted it. If you ask he will tell you but you need to want to listen and not pick and choose what to hear. Get over your self image and see yourself through his eyes." He squeezed my arm gently before leaving.

I didn't know what to make of that.

But okay.

I walked outside, looking around for him.

"Val?" I asked and he came from the Alleyway after moments of silence.

He looked at me, hands in his pockets.

Not... not at all intimidating.

"I'm sorry if I said anything that made you upset." I walked toward him, leaving room for him to not feel claustrophobic since I truly didn't know how he was.

He locked and unlocked his left knee but quickly, he was thinking.

He turned from me, tapping his ring on the building twice before walking into the alleyway.

I assumed that meant to follow him so I did.

He stood against the brick wall, the streetlights giving me vision on the silhouette of his facial features.

As gentle and pretty as they were, they were intimidating when they weren't in your favor.

He motioned me closer with his fingers.

Until I was almost touching his chest with mine.

"Do you think I lack taste? That I don't make sense?" He whispered.


I felt the need to cower. His voice too gentle but filled with acid as he spoke.

"Do you think that maybe you have an idea of me that's not true and that's why you have the attachment?" I offered.

His hand reached, grabbing my throat, turning us so I was against the wall.

"I know what you read. What you watch. What you draw. Who you've fucked. Tell me, why haven't you had a relationship in two years?" He asked, squeezing firmly on my throat to where my mind buzzed with mild bliss.

"B-because the guy couldn't do what I wanted." I gasped, my hands on his arm.

"What couldn't he do for you babydoll?" He stepped closer, forcing me to look up higher, his entire hand covering my throat.

"He couldn't make me orgasm." I whimpered.

"Mmhm. You have needs right?"


"You need a man to go down on you and make you happy and fuck you and finger you. You like what I'm doing right now don't you?"

"Yes." I cried when his other hand squeezed my hip, moving up the side of my body.

"How much you want to bet I can make you cum right now, no kissing, I won't even touch your pussy." He said and I groaned, sexually frustrated and mildly desperate for something.

"Do it." I whispered.

He smiled.

"Open." He said and I did, fingers sliding into my mouth as his hand around my throat gripped harder.

"I know you. How desperate you are to choke, to develop an oral fixation. The mere thought of someone making you do nasty things like this always making you cross your legs." He panted as he smoothly fucked my throat with his fingers.

"Look at me." He said and I did, my eyes watering, my hips rolling.

He smiled.

"Good girl." He laughed and I whimpered, already feeling a tense knot build.

"I know you. I don't need experience to know this works like magic." He pulled them from me, giving me a second to breathe.

"You're so fucking pretty it pisses me off." He pushed them back and I moaned, my knees trembling.

It shouldn't be this simple for him.

He did it too well.

"Come on. I know you're feeling it. I know your close. Because I know you. I know exactly what you crave Corvina." He whispered, panting himself and I felt myself come undone, his hand on my throat the only thing keeping me up.

"That's my good baby. Good girl, Cor." He said and I held onto his arm for my life, my knees trembling.

He kept his fingers on my tongue, I closed my mouth and sucked, he was right. He was completely right.

He kissed my forehead.

"So easy to please." His hand let my throat go and fisted my hair, yanking my head back.

I whimpered around his fingers.

"So cute. Now what we're you saying about my delusion?" He asked.

I was silent, I had forgotten.

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