Fourteen: View

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Valerian Calix

I stopped in front of her house.

She looked at me.

"Hm?" I asked.

She played with the hem of her dress.

"I was wondering if I could come with you on your next motorcycle ride."

"That's tonight."

"Can I join? If not I understand-"

I grabbed her chin.

"Jeans." I said and she nodded, getting out and speed walking inside.

She came back in jeans and a hoodie.

She fixed her hair into a low ponytail.

I drove to my house where I changed into jeans and a hoodie as well, showing her my garage where three bikes were.

"This one was the one I went on with you?" She asked, her fingers brushing over the paint.


"Which ones your favorite?" She asked and I nodded to it.

She nodded.

I put my helmet on her, letting her chose her music as I helped her on.

I adjusted the pegs on the back for her feet and she was just watching me.

I looked at her.

"Thank you." She mumbled.

I nodded, getting on and starting my bike.

She immediately pushed her hands under my hoodie, on my skin.

Her breathing stuttered and I smiled.

I sat up straight, reaching back, running my hands over her thighs and she tightened them on my hips.

I got off, getting my headphones and dialing Bluetooth connection to her phone, listening to the music with her as I got back on.

I didn't exactly like listening to myself sing but I liked that she was listening to me so I went with it.

Her hands returned to their spot as I put my kickstand up and reverse walked from my garage, shutting it with my little button and walked down the driveway where I put on the clutch and began driving.

She was relaxed, never holding on too tight.

There were moments where she's push her fingers under the top of my jeans and mess with the elastic band of my underwear, other times she'd trace my abdomen.

We came to a stop sign and this was her favorite song by me.

I can see who streams and listens to my music and she's listened to this song the most.

Her tears where there were teases and praises I sang.

Her hands tensed around me during those parts and I smiled.

There wasn't a word to describe this feeling.

Half of it was accomplishment.

The other half satisfaction.

But a bit of it was dark, a pride too primal and deep to understand.

One day I'd grasp that feeling but for now I'd drown in my current situation.

I stopped at a specific spot I loved writing at. It was on a backroad, the view of a lake, street lights around but it was a view of the city.

At night it was a beautiful place to be. When I came to visit from California I'd always stop here.

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