Thirty-Two: Worry

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Valerian Calix


I rolled over, tired.

"I made you breakfast."

I tried looking but it was too bright.

"I made you breakfast." She repeated.

"Aren't I supposed to do that for you?" I groaned.

"It's just food. And you're more tired than I am." She said.

I looked at her, squinting.

"Is that supposed to be an insult?" I asked.

She smiled, amused.

"I feel like regardless of the intent I'm getting something good from it so I won't answer."

I sat up, glaring at her.

"Was it bad?"

She looked shocked, her smile falling.

"Seriously? You're asking that?" She blinked.

"I am." I nodded.

"No. It wasn't. I'm bruised, I was sobbing. Your hand prints are all over my body. Throat to ankles I'm purple, Valerian. It was not bad. At all." She answered.

I hummed, now curious of her bare body, right now it covered in my sweats and shirt.

She handed me the food.

"Do you need anything else?" She asked me.

I smiled.

"You're upset with me."

"No shit." She frowned.

I was unsure why I loved it so much.

"Well, since you asked, go take a bath or do something for yourself to get rid of your attitude." I said and she huffed, stomping in frustration.

"Ass." She turned and walked away.

I chuckled as I ate, she'd made me pancakes in little heart shapes.

I ate them with the berries she put on top.


I sipped the pink lemonade she must've made too.

When I finished I stood, going to the kitchen and washing the dishes.

I heard the shower running upstairs and walked up there, her angrily undressing, her body coated in hickeys, scratches, and bruises.

That made me feel all sorts of good.

"Why are you mad?" I asked.

"I'm not." She replied, lying to me.

"Yes you are. Silly girl. Tell me what's wrong." I said and she looked at me.

"You said you needed me to get rid of the attitude so leave me alone."

She looked down at me.

"You're turned on. You like that I'm mad at you. Fucking weirdo. Leave me alone." She stepped toward me and I just watched her as she stomped in frustration, hitting her fists on my chest.

I just watched her be all upset and angry with me.

"Back up." I said and she dug her nails into my pecks.


I reached, one hand fisting her hair, the other around her throat as I pulled, her face immediately reddening.

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