Day one part 1

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The boat arrived at the Island and Cody immediately stepped off, feeling sea sick. Noah followed closely behind to comfort him and soon everyone else followed after getting their bags. Leshawna heard a rustle in a bush nearby and rolled her eyes. "He couldn't even clear off our section of the island, now a squirrel is gonna get under my damn pillow" she thought to herself. The campers made their way to a crappy cabin and split up. Courtney was setting her bed and was obviously getting a panic attack because there were stains on the sheets. "Oh look, Mrs OCD is gonna get mad because a bed in a godforsaken ISLAND isn't perfect" Heather said as she scoffed. "I like to be clean" Courtney said as she dolled up the bed and finally looked satisfied. "There." Out of nowhere the campers heard yelling and all pooled out of the cabins to watch what was happening. They all huddled up in the middle watching as Chris and his crew were revving the speed boats engine up. "What the fuck is he doing?" Duncan questioned as Tyler walked up to Chris. "Hey, are we leaving or something? Is the island not safe?" he asked. "You could say that" Chris said as he jumped on and his crew sped away leaving the contestants dumbfounded. "Don't worry guys they're looking for fish so we can eat!" Lindsay said completely oblivious. "They're deffo not doing that idiot! If they were they'd have fishing rods but they left all of them over there!" Heather said as she pointed to the gear by a tree. "Hey where's Ezekiel?" Cody said as he did a double take. "I don't care I just wanna get home to my Mama now" Dj cried as he started hyperventilating. Everyone was a mess and some people were crying while others were yelling. "OKAY EVERYONE CALM DOWN THEY'RE GONNA BE BACK DUDES, CHRIS WOULDN'T LEAVE US HERE." Geoff chanted as he started walking in a circle. "They probably made this some type of survival show and there's hidden cameras!" Everyone just stared at him and Leshawna stepped forward with her hands on her hips. "Well if that's true, I'm sueing. his. ASS. This wasn't on the contract anywhere." Everyone agreed with her and they all just accepted that he left them there, it was like Chris to do this. The sun set and they all started bonding and sat around a campfire while Trent strung his guitar and sang for Gwen. Soon everyone was tired and they all went to bed. Geoff needed to put his stuff somewhere because the cabin was crowded so he looked under his bed and started to shove a bag under there when it hit something. "Eww, dude, there's like a dead animal under my bed or something." he groaned as he pinched his nose. "Well pick it up genius, nobody wants that in their cabin." Noah said not looking up as he read his book. Geoff took his advice and reached under there and pulled it out. He screamed as he met the eyes of Ezekiel, now dead and decapitated. He dropped his head, giving all the boys a clear view of the sight. They all ran out of the room screaming and flooded into the girls cabin. "Um, what do you think you're doing. Privacy?" Heather screeched as she saw all the boys standing in front of the beds. "We need to leave. NOW." Owen said, breathless from running.

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