Day 4

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Dj and Bridgette were even more scared now that they knew someone else was here. They stayed close which confused Geoff but he didn't really care, focusing on finding Lindsay. They were looking forever and couldn't find her. Most of them were sleep deprived and Noah checked his watch realizing it had been a whole day since she disappeared. He told Tyler this which pissed him off. "Are you saying Lindsay's a goner?" He squared up and was ready to punch him in the throat. "If I'm being honest yes. I'm sorry but there's no way she wouldn't have found her way back by now with the fire we made and how we've been EVERYWHERE." Duncan was annoyed and split them apart. "Don't be an ass, Noah. Tyler just keep looking." He glared at Noah before pulling Tyler towards another forest. This argument seemed to take a toll on Tyler, as he was now growing less confident that Lindsay is still alive. It was getting dark now, and they all agreed to look tomorrow and go back to the cabins. Beth was scared shitless, Lindsay was the only one that really talked to her and she couldn't believe the killer was so heartless they'd choose to kill someone as nice as her. She zoned out on that thought and walked into a bush. The bush however, wasn't just leaves. She found blonde poking out from the top and thought Lindsay was just sleeping in the bush. "I found her!" She yelled, causing Tyler to stumble towards her and pull her out of the bush. "Lindsay! Wake up, we finally found-" Silence. Nobody dared to move or make a sound as Tyler stared at her face, now bloody and stitched. Her eye was falling out and a bird was eating her arm. They all started to run not wanting to be next as Tyler held her body and sobbed her name. Duncan grabbed his arm and pulled him along with them and Tyler couldn't fight back as he lost his strength to even walk at the moment. Everything happened so fast that the group was split into two. Sadie and Katie were group two. Everyone else was group one. How could they be so unlucky? They clinged to each other as the sun set, to afraid to be any farther from each other. Every rustle they jumped. Every howl they flinched. They heard a rustle yet again and turned towards it, but this time instead of finding nothing there, they found a man. He held out his knife, already bloody. This was their cue to run and Sadie kept her word. Even though she was bigger, she could run as fast as Katie could. She ran slower on purpose so Katie could get away. She knew if they both stayed at the same pace they both would die, so she let him get to her. Instead of killing her himself though, he howled and Sadie soon regretted her decision. Wolves starting to come out of the trees behind her and descended on her, tearing her to shreds. Katie wasn't far though, as she was under a tree listening to Sadie's screams. She muffled her mouth so he wouldn't hear her sob and closed her eyes hoping it was a dream. Eventually it fell silent and she climbed out to run as fast as she could, but not before looking back to find Sadie a bloody mess and this motivated her to go faster.

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