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Diluc Pov

Lately I've been quite tired, I've been demanding a lot of myself and somehow I want to blame someone else for my mental and physical fatigue, Kaeya has also been demanding something from me for a long time that at the moment I can't give.

I was going to Jean's office to talk to her about some issues related to Aether and Lumine, even after many years have passed, these two keep attracting everyone's attention and keep getting into trouble.

Shortly after arriving at Jean's office and chatting for a while, I had to go home, Jean offered to come with me as I had to check some things out near the vineyard.

J:"Diluc, seriously, I've noticed that these days you act strange, even when you go to my office to talk you seem like someone else."

When Jean told me that, I was surprised and didn't know what to answer, the truth is that what I answered was stupid on my part.

D:"I'm just tired, Kaeya is demanding a lot of things from me and I don't know if I want him or if I'm only with him to hurt me."

The moment I said that I regretted how could I think that I don't love Kaeya, she is the most important person to me and after everything we've been through to be together it would be stupid of me to say that I don't love him.

After I said those words, everything was silent and we stayed at the entrance not knowing what to say, after a few minutes I decided to say goodbye and go home to look for my omega. (Idiot 😒)

Upon entering the house, I saw verything too calm for my liking, my first thought was that suddenly Kaeya had stayed with the hairdressers doing some errand, I decided to wait for him at home, he wouldn't take long to arrive.

After a few hours of waiting for him, I started to worry that he was nowhere to be seen and it was too late for him to still be with the hairdressers.

I got up and went to our room to get a coat to get ready to look for it and to my surprise when I opened the closet I saw that most of my omega's clothes were missing, there was also a note pinned to the bottom of the closet that said.

"Don't worry if it bothered you so much, you should have just told me so I could leave"

He heard me...

Kaeya Pov

I put them in a situation, we have a Childe in their living room who looks like a caged lion walking around and hurling insults and death threats at Diluc and a Zhongli trying to calm him down and the point is I still haven't dropped the bomb I'm guarding.

C:"There's something else" I saw how Childe looked at me like if that idiot did anything else to you I'm going to kill him."


I ask for marriage at the same time (I sure translated it wrong but I'm too lazy to correct it)

K:"Let's say I'm on the tape"

Well I think that now Diluc won't live at all since the former archon geo and the fatui looked at each other at the same time time and they are calling someone to take care of Ali.

Some time later I managed to calm the two down and we continued talking like civilized people, they offered me to move in with them, since Childe wanted to make sure that idiot didn't look for me and if he dared to do that he would kill himself. although I don't think we should go to those extremes. ___________________________________________------------------------------------------------------------

To be continued...

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