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Diluc Pov

Now I'm running to Monstad trying to find Jean.

I needed to know if she suddenly knows something about Kaeya.

Upon arriving at the office, Jean saw me so upset that he wouldn't let me talk, he made me sit down and drink some water.

When I managed to get a word out without slurring, I told him what had happened to Jean.

Just seeing the change in her expression I knew she didn't know anything either and again I went into an anxiety attack. I insulted myself and that I was an idiot.

All of a sudden I can't see anything anymore.

Hours later When I woke up I was in the vineyard again and around me I found Jean, Lisa and Albedo They all looked at me with a worried face and didn't seem to know what to do.

In a moment I heard Albedo say.

A: "I know it's not for me to tell you this, but I think it's best that you know"

Jean's look changed and she said

J: "Are you sure? Won't this make you more hysterical?"

A:"The truth makes me more hysterical that you talk like I'm not here"

They all looked and Albedo just asked them to trust Everyone left the room after that and Albedo looked at me.

A: "Mr. Diluc, I know this is not a good time to say that you are not hysterical because you missed your omega, but you should tell him so he doesn't have a surprise later"

I just sighed and looked to him

D:"Anything, please say this quickly"

A:"Mr. Diluc, Mr. Kaeya came to see me a few days ago as he had rather strange symptoms and after some tests I determined that Mr. Kaeya I was in a state (Pregnant)"

My gaze darkened and I couldn't pronounce anything, I could only cry, not only had I lost my partner because of my stupidity, I also lost my son.

I heard Albedo call Jean and Lisa, they were trying to comfort me when they entered, but my Alpha and I were already desperate, I needed to find my Omega and Son quickly, otherwise I would go crazy.

Kaeya Pov

Messes later It's been a few months since I left Monstad, a lot of things have happened since then.

I am already in the 4th month of pregnancy, while Zhongli was already in the 7th month, the funniest thing was to see Childe running around with Zhongli's wishes, Ali's requests and my wishes, he has also been playing the role of the overprotective brother with me, even though I'm the eldest.

Well, we didn't find out that Zhongli was going to have a boy while everyone else was expecting myriads.

If by life's surprises I were to have two babies, a boy and a girl I still don't know what names to give them, but I'll think of something, while the hopes I had that Diluc would look for me at some point I discarded, many months if they passed and he didn't make the attempt to look for me, I suppose all the promises of love were lies I'm also working as a secretary in one of the places Liyue couldn't always depend on Childe's money.

At the moment I am living happily and peacefully without worrying about other people's problems and waiting with great enthusiasm for my two little children. -------------------------------------------------- -----------

To be continued...

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