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Diluc's Pov

I'm fed up and desperate, I've been looking for my Omega everywhere for almost 7 months now and not a single lead.

The people who have been helping me look for him suspect that someone is interfering.

We started looking into this, but we haven't found a culprit either.

These last few months I've been ignoring myself, getting drunk, mistreating people I never thought I could mistreat and somehow my Omega understands me and my son/daughter doesn't show up.

I'm in my office and I can only think of the image of Kaeya at approximately 6 months pregnant, I would love to have gone through the entire pregnancy by going to the appointments to see our little one's growth.

I would love to see Kaeya's face light up the moment they tell us the gender of our baby, they don't know how much money I would have paid to lay next to him and cuddle him and be able to talk to our little one.

But I'm such an idiot that I was left completely alone, I made the only person who loved me run away from me all because of my stupidity.

Kaeya, please come back. I love you like you have no idea.

Kaeya's Pov

Well, I think we got off to a bad start. I'm about to go into a crisis, as Mr. Zhongli has just gone into labor and Childe has just received a mission.

And for the great son of a thousand, not to call him so ugly, he can't answer emails.

The only solution I had was to send a messenger because I don't know who is worse at the moment, Mr. Zhongli in the delivery room without his alpha or me about to go into a crisis and taking care of Ali.

I hear quick footsteps approaching and suddenly a Childe more dead than alive walks in with a worried face.

When he saw me, I swear I thought I was going to die, he came running towards me and asked me desperately:

C:"Where is my husband?"

Fortunately, the doctor came to give us the news that the baby was born well and that Mr. Zhongli did not have any complications during the delivery.

I moved aside so that Childe could go in first, after a few minutes they called me too. Upon entering, I saw a precious child leaning against Mr. Zhongli's chest.

Z:"Kaeya, I introduce you to the Dalai"


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