Chapter 1

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Clint's POV:

I've lived with the avengers for a few months now and it's not as bad as I thought it would be. The only down side would be the fighting, mostly between Steve and Tony.

"What did you just say to me?! Those are fighting words my friend!!!" I hear Tony yell from the main living area.

Thor walks past me in the hallway.

"How much you wanna bet he's yelling at Steve?" Thor asks with a chuckle.

I just smile and continue walking down the hallway until I reach the doorway to the living room. Peaking my head in I see, of course, Steve and Tony. I walk a bit farther down the hall to a vent shaft in the ceiling. Sometimes you need  alone time when you live with the avengers and I like the vents. I hop in the vent and just lay there looking at the vent's ceiling. Maybe I'll take a nap... ya, I need one of those.


"Barton, Fury is here and requests your presence." Jarvis voices

How long have I been in this vent? I jump down and look at a clock. 3:00... Whoops. I was suppose to spar with Tash at 2.

I head into the main living room, located not far from my napping vent. Everyone is seated on the couches, while Fury just stands.

"Nice of you to join us Barton."

"I will determine if it's nice to see you Fury based on what you have for us." I say with sarcasm and confidence.

" Trust me Barton, you'll want to know what I know." he says staring at me

"S.H.I.E.L.D has recently discovered a young girl living not far from here in Lynbrook, New York." Fury continues.

"And that concerns us because..." Tony asks

"Well Stark if you'd let me finish. Anyways, this girl name is Ellie. Ellie Marie Barton." Fury finishes looking at me.

"Sir?" I ask slightly confused and shocked

"I'm not going to beat around the bush. Barton, you have an 8 year old daughter. Her mother was recently killed in a car crash. She now lives with her Aunt."

"Can I meet her?" My voice, breaking a little

"We haven't made any contact with the Aunt, Barton I'm ok with what you choose. Just let me know before you do anything." Fury says just before walking out.

"Stark can you pull her up on the screen, I just wanna see what she looks like." I say in a quiet voice.

"It's ok, we're here for you." Steve says while smiling at me and giving me a pat on the back.

Suddenly the image of a small girl comes up. She's beautiful. She has golden hair and my grey/blue eyes. She's walking home from school with who's most likely is her aunt. Her mouth starts moving, but nothing is heard.

"Stark, can we get audio on this?" I question

"Give me a second."

A sweet little voice is heard and she's singing while swinging her arms.

"Deep in the meadow

Under the Willow

A bed of grass, a soft green pillow

Lay down your head and close your eyes

For when again they open the sun will rise

Here it's safe

Here it's warm

Here the daisies guard you from every harm

Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow makes them true

Here is the place where I love you!" she sings and hugs her aunt

"Where did you learn that song sweetie?" Her aunt asks.

"Mommy said that that was a special song because daddy was like the girl in the movie." Ellie states.

"What else do you know about your daddy?" Her aunt asks

My eyes are filled with water at this point, just threatening to spill.

"Well, she said that he liked birds" she giggles "That must be where I get it from"

A low chuckle is heard from the avengers.

As they're walking home, they make a quick stop at neighboring house. Ellie stays outside while her aunt goes in. Ellie sitting on the front porch when a boy around her age approaches her with an evil glint to his eyes. I tense seeing that boy.

"Well, little orphan Ellie! No mother or father, what a shame" he mocks

At this point I'm on my feet glaring at the screen. He throws a small rock at her and misses terribly. She doesn't even move. She slowly gets up, picks up a rock, and throws it at him. Hitting the dead center of his chest, he falls to the ground.

"Next time Tanner when you 'threaten' someone, use better insults. Also, come talk to me when you learn how to aim. It really isn't that difficult, now have a wonderful day" she says using air quotes confidently from her spot. He quickly backs away and runs.

"That's what I thought!" she yells

I can't help but smile. She is definitely my kid.

"I guess we know she's yours" Tony states smirking

"I think I'm going to be a dad you guys" I say with the biggest smile.

"And we can all be uncles!!!... and aunt!" Tony yells

"Jarvis! Get the car! We have a little girl to meet and possibly take!" Tony finishes

"Wow, that sounded supper wrong at the end there Tony, but non the less true! Let's go!" Steve yells while running to the elevator. Wow... well, at least we know he's excited.

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