Chapter Three

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A/N: Haha hi, it's been a bit, sorry. Sadly, I don't have an insane author's note for an explanation. I got a job, which took up a lot of time (now unemployed lol). I graduated with my bachelors in May, which that took up a lot of time. I also lost my fixation for Haikyuu, which caused a lot of problems. There's also the fact that I struggled to figure out if I wanted to combine this chapter and the next chapter or keep them separate. This struggle lasted like 6 months.

None of that matters though because here's the next chapter. This chapter is the OVA about Hinata and Kageyama failing their tests. I tried to add some humor and sweet moments because angst is quickly approaching (there's also angst in this chapter lol).

Feel free to leave a comment if you enjoy! :)


Sato was meant to understand his teammates. He was meant to understand how they worked in every situation. He thought patiently working with Hinata and Kageyama would help them with their finals. Actually, he'd grown confident that they'd pass their finals with how much he and Yachi helped them. During tutoring, they understood the material. So why wouldn't he be confident?

He hurried down the stairs to the first-year floor. They handed out exam results today, which meant they could throw a little celebration for everyone passing after practice. Sato thought about it over the weekend. He'd take them out to eat, his treat, and maybe even fight for them to practice longer. The more he thought about it, the more excited he was.

Yachi, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi stood in the hallway, staring at the papers in Yachi's hands. Yachi had a mortified expression, but not one that could hint that they were her exams. If they were her exams and she made poor marks, she'd probably be dead on the floor right now. Maybe someone dropped theirs, and they were in shock someone could be so stupid. Sato's steps slowed as an uneasiness bubbled in his chest the longer they stared at whatever she was holding.

Yamaguchi saw him, even though Sato was a pretty decent distance away from them. "Sato-senpai!" he squeaked. Yachi immediately hid the papers behind her back. "What are you doing here?"

Sato stared at Yachi as she looked everywhere but him and hid the mystery papers behind her back. "I wanted to see how everyone did on their exams." Yachi flinched. "Yachi-san, is everything okay?"

She squeaked before attempting to cover it with a fake cough. "Ye—yeah! Everything's great! More than great, really! Never been better!"

"The idiots failed their exams," Tsukishima said. Yachi and Yamaguchi looked at him with wide eyes and agape mouths.

"Tsukki!" Yamaguchi gasped, betrayal in his voice.

Sato gritted his teeth as he let out a shaky breath. "Hinata-san and Kageyama-san failed their exams?" He looked at Yamaguchi, who stared at the floor. "And you weren't going to tell me?"

Yamaguchi looked up at him. Panic in his eyes. "We were!"

Yachi nodded. "Yeah! Just not right now!"

Sato slowly nodded before looking at Tsukishima. "And you didn't care when I found out?"

"Nope," Tsukishima said. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "You'd find out eventually anyway, so what's the point of keeping it a secret?"

"Where are they now?" Sato asked, which made all of them look away from him. He expected Tsukishima to willingly give up this information, especially since it could lead to further embarrassing Hinata and Kageyama. Tsukishima remained quiet but looked embarrassed. "Do you not know?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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