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For the first time tonight, my ears barely registered the music or the people. The room felt more and more surreal with every step I took away from the balcony. The bodies around me danced as blurred shapes and the music that moved them was nothing but warbled and muffled. Regardless, I couldn't care to focus on anything but making my way towards the exit where James was waiting.

He had felt like my rock the whole night. Silently watching and unwavering despite our surroundings. Even now as I pushed through bodies he didn't drop my eyes once. I could even see the anger on his face when people refused to move or bumped me too rudely.

He was itching to come get me but his need to remain calm kept him in his place. Still, he was so close now.

I could make out every detail of his body. The opened button down from the lack of fans, the bourbon in his hands, his hair now askew and messy from stressfully running his hands through. I wanted nothing more to mess it up further and I knew we'd have to ditch this terrible place before I could.

I don't think I could leave any sooner. Being surrounded by greedy eyes, hands, and strangers made me feel like a feen for James. His gentle composure and his insistence to care for me surely set the bar higher for any other man.

In fact, the cave men in here made him seem like a saint. Especially after finishing that last drink. It made me want to jump from the balcony and right into his arms like in the films. Part of me wanted to believe he wished the same as I broke through the crowd and finally in front of him.

He didn't hesitate to walk in front of me in mere seconds. Our toes touched as he looked down at me closely, watching my face for any signs of distress. I could tell he had something to ask from the way he watched me.

That urge to ask questions was one of the only few times I could read his body language. It always made him fidget and his lips turn down to a little frown. Then his eyes would hyper focus on your face before he began to drill you with pressuring questions.

I knew I didn't have the energy for it or the ability to control myself when he got demanding. I think I would pounce on him the second he leaned down to ask me anything that occurred.

So instead when his lips parted to ask what was on his mind, I left no space to talk as I simply grabbed his hand and lead him right out the room.

He didn't fight it once as he followed behind me silently.

"G'Night." The guard called after us as he opened the club door but James only shoved his empty glass into the man's hands as we said nothing back. "In a rush?!" The man yelled after us with a laugh and I had to hold back from sending him the bird.

I simply tightened my grip on James' hand as I rushed him through the parking lot, my only possible focus was on the car becoming closer and closer.

James clearly got the message as he sped up to open the door for me. I didn't miss a beat as I let my body plop right into the seat as I winced, my poor feet were throbbing from my heels and rushing back to the car was their breaking point. I didn't even get to finish climbing in the car before a warm hand on my ankle lifted my leg up.

I could feel my cheeks warm as I watched James unbuckle the strap of my heel. We both sat in silence as he gently slipped it off then checked my foot, "Better?" He looked to me for a moment as I nodded my head. His lips lifted to a little smile, "Next one." He motioned for my other foot and I gladly passed it right over, a smile fighting it's way on my lips as he took it right off for me.

"Thank you." I reached out for my shoes but instead he put my legs in the car and motioned me to sit right, "Relax." He sent me a warning look, making me laugh softly as he closed my door. I watched as he tossed them in the backseat before walking around to the drivers side and getting in.

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