Pump of Blood: Him : Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to Pari Pabari

By the way twilightbabe31 helped me with this chapter! Thanks!*

She gets a glimpse of the boy's eyes. He is with a group of 3 other people, they look similar- 1 boy and 2 girls.

'They're beautiful.' she says in her mind.

The boy has emo black hair, a good figure, he’s average size, has pale skin, and Katie likes him already.

“Ah yes, the new people who are joining us today.” The teacher says. “ Now, you Blaze can sit next to Katie, and Liberty you sit next to Megan, and Nicole next to Taylor. “

Katie's heart skips a beat, and she's so happy she's sitting next to him, let alone next to someone! She's got a feeling that she's going to start enjoying Math now!

10 minutes in later Math, the class has been assigned an assignment; to work with the person they're sitting next to and write a long summary of the Nth term.

“I hate assignments.” Katie quietly says to herself.

“Me too...” Blaze said.

“........ c-cool.” she says quietly, stuttering a little bit, “Ummm I need help on this question... I don't get how to work out this part.”

“Well that's easy you....”

*Megan's POV*

That's so annoying, how come she's made friends with him, I mean she's my best friend, but I should have been the one sitting next to him.

“Keep her away from him.” Liberty says angrily.

'Uhh why?!' I say.

Liberty doesn't respond, so I ask her again, but still no response. I wonder why Katie must stay away from him? Oh well....

*Third Person's P.O.V.*

Katie has been so happy since she’s met Blaze, plus Blaze isn’t popular, just like her, and he probably won’t be, he also talks to her! 

Katie heads to the Library, she needs to go on the computer for her stupid math assignment. She doesn’t get the point of Math, well it’s pointless in her opinion. As she walks into the Library, she smiles at how big it is, so many books, and Katie loves reading, if I forgot to mention that! She walks right to the end to find the ‘Math Section’ and eventually finds a book on the ‘Nth Term’, she takes a look at it and she couldn't be bothered to read it now, so she goes to the Librarian and asks to check it out.

The Librarian is about 30 years old, but she is really nice and knows Katie very well. Her mother is the Librarian’s friend, and sometimes she goes around to the Librarian’s house and vice versa.

“So how are you?” the Librarian questions nicely.

“I’m fine, thanks.” I respond. “I’ve got a Math assignment which is apparently important, hence why I’m getting this boring book out.” I smiled back.

“Ah yes, Math, one of my best subjects.” The Librarian says.

“Lucky...” Katie says “Well I’ve got to go to my locker now, but thanks for the book!” I smile and then walk out of the huge library.Katie heads to her locker. On her way, she sees Liberty give her an evil look...

“What did I do wrong?” she mutters to herself. She carries on walking and eventually gets to her locker. As she is getting her Science book out, and she finds a note, it says;

‘Meet me at the field at 4:00 today and bring your Math book.'

It doesn’t say who it’s from, but she’s going to go anyway, with her Math book... She wonders who put that note there, and how he/she knows it is her locker. She starts walking slowly to Science, trying to figure out who had written the note.

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