Pump of Blood : Chapter 4 : Blaze

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Chapter 4: Blaze

A/N sorry it’s so short guys, who’s pov should I do next? I’d like 2 comments suggesting who’s pov and then I’ll post chapter 5!

I’ve been trying to find an editor for quite a while, but still nobody... If you want to be my part-time editor, then PM me.  And I’ve been trying to get more views, fans, and votes!... But it’s not working... And who’s POV should I do next?


“It’s about Blaze....”

I stand here stunned and dumbfounded.... why is Miss.Converse talking about Blaze?


Katie’s POV

I’m so confused, why is Miss.Converse talking about Blaze?!

“What about him.....?” I say quietly

“ Well, I know what he is.... And you’ll be shocked by this but, Blaze is a Vampire.” Miss says.

I had no idea that he was one of us, but how does she know?!

“ V-vampire? Those don’t exist!” I say

“ Well, sorry to break the fairy tale, but they do...”

I already know Vampires exist, I just don’t want her knowing I am one.

“Well... How do you know?” I question.

“I know because, I’m a werewolf.........” Miss says

I didn’t know werewolves existed...

“How do I know that’s true...?”

I see Miss.Converses hand changes like a wolf’s paw... And then changes it back to Human.

“Okay” I say “I believe you, but how do you know Blaze is a Vampire?”

“Well... Werewolves and Vampires despise each other”

I already knew this, but just making sure she doesn’t suspect anything...

“Why do they hate each other?” I say

“Well, that is classified my dear... But I wanted to warn you, those bloodsucker freaks will kill you, and we can’t let that happen. So please stay away from me”

I’m not going to stay away from him, I finally have a friend whose a Vampire, I can’t loose him.

“O-okay...” I say

“You can go now, thank you for coming, there is another way out that will lead you to the field, and don’t worry, nobody will see you.”

“Okay, t-thanks” I stuttered

I look at the time and realise it’s 3:55, woah time goes quick! I walk down the other passageway and see some stairs, I walk up them. A spider falls on me, I scream. Urgh, spiders are gross. But they can’t hurt me, I’m a Vampire for god sakes.

I think about it, and I think I can tell Blaze I’m a Vampire, I mean, he is one too! Wait, who wrote the note? I think about it, and instantly know it was Blaze.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2011 ⏰

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