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That's right, I'm back with another one, what if the the League of 3 emperors never failed. For those of you who are wondering, the league of 3 emperors was a military and economic alliance between the German Empire (under Keizer Wilhelm the first), the Austro-Hungarian Empire (under emperor Franz Joseph) and the Tsardom of Russia (Under Tsar Alexander the third).

This alliance was first set up in 1873 and lasted till 1878 before it was dissolved, it was again set up in 1884 but again failed after 3 years in 1887.

The main reason for this collapse were the continuous conflicts beyween the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Russian Tsardom over who was the protector and ruler of the newly independent Balkan region.

However what if the alliance never broke apart, what if the Russians were given rule of the Balkans, or what if Germany intervened and saved the alliance? We'll check out these 2 scenarios and without any delay let's jump right in.

So the year is January the 24th 1884 and the German Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire and Russian Tsardom decide to try the league of 3 emperors again. However before the new league is born, in the 6 year gap between the first and second alliance. Let's say Russia and Austro-Hungaria go to war against each other, leading in total Russian victory. As a result the Austro-Hungarians have been kicked from the Balkans and the Russians are now the masters of that region.

After the treaty is born tensions quickly rose in Europe. One nation however, is even more afraid and angry at these new changes than the others. And that's none other than the Ottomans. They felt cheated out of their land which increased their anger at the League of 3 Emperors but also the leader Abdulmejid also started to fear the fact that Russia now surrounding the Ottomans from the North, the Balkans, and through their puppet of Persia.

Therefore the Ottomans turn to their other rival, Britain. Now Britain has had a similar response to the Ottomans, on one hand they are mad that this new powerful alliance was created seemingly overnight. But they were also scared of its global effects, already Russian troops could be spotted in Afghanistan preparing for a possible invasion of India. King George the 5th therefore gladly accepted the invitation sent by Abdulmejid. It is to be noted that France was also present although they didn't take any active part in these discussions as they were already on good terms with Russia.

These talks eventually led to the Anglo-Ottoman defense pact which stated the following. Firstly was that an attack in one was an attack on all, secondly Britian recognized the Balkans as Ottoman lands as well as Persia and gave up their southern half of puppet Persia to Abdulmejid.

The year is 1891, with the date being 3rd February, France has had a falling out with the league of 3 emperors. The king, Louise Philippe the first, was cheated out of land that rightly belonged to him, but was given to Germany as France was internationally alone at that point and Germany had 2 powerful allies. Therefore by next month France joins the alliance of the British and the Ottomans and thus the Entante is born.

Now most people would say that this means there would be no world war 1 as Austro-Hungary does not own Serbia so the arch duke franz Ferdinand is not assassinated.

However I'm not most people and I say let there be a conflict between these 2 powerful military and economic alliances (this is educational, don't think I love war) .

So the year is 1914 and the date is July 28th. The leader of the Ottomans Caliph Mehmed the 5th cannot allow the Russians to dominate lands which were once rightfully their's.

So with permission from Britain and France. They send 3 major armies. One army of 550 000 men through Constantinople to attack the Balkan regions, another army of 250 000 to the Caucuses to defend Ottoman lands and another army of 300 000 to defend the areas of Southern Persia gifted to them by the British.

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