Its Important We Need To Talk chapter 5

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hey i didnt know what to call it so ya lets find out what happens in this chapter and i dedicated it to My_Love_4_U because she was so anxious for this chapter


Isabelle's pov.

so i woke up and i wasnt happy because i knew that today the boys had to leave i was pissed at keisha when i found out i did my original hygiene and got dressed i wore a pink shirt black high waisted short since it was sunny a black undershirt a black diamond ring some pink doc martens pink stud earrings mustache necklace light pink eyeshadow clearis pinkish lip gloss a pink bracelet someday perfume and i had a black back went downstair to have brekfast and this time Prince was cooking (btw the image of the outfit is in the comments).

Izzy: so you decide to cook on your last day i gigled

Prince: sure why not your mom cooks all the time and all we do is eat

Izzy: well i have 50 minutes before i go to school can i help

Prince: nope

Izzy: why not it is my house i dont even know why i asked i should have just started

Prince: well one reason is that you cant cook

Izzy: anyone can cook french voice

Prince: really you got that from ratatouille last time you cooked was when i came over for christmas breakfast

Izzy: yeah and you have to admit those were some pretty good eggs

Prince: but you put like the whole bag of cheese and you put like alot of salt and pepper

Izzy: you you like your eggs cheesy so i made them cheesy

Prince: no you made them nasty

Izzy: but you still ate um

Prince: true. just shut up and eat

Izzy: fine mr. i can cook better than you

Prince: whatever but its true

Izzy: sure

Prince: oh and after school at 6:00 me and you are going out

Izzy: why

Prince: i kinda need to tell you something he said nervously

Izzy: ok

Prince: and dress dressy but semi-formal

Izzy:ok looks like i have to go shopping

Jacobs thoughts.

i was really nervous about telling Isabelle how i feel ive decided to take to dinner at olive garden and tell her then i didnt know how she felt about me what is i screwed up ad wat if she dosent feel the same way wat if she does wat will i do then this is all messed up.

Isabelles thoughts.

wat was jacob gonna tell me wat if he likes me should i tell him how i feel to or just fake iti really dont know i hace to talk to the girls about this they'll probably help mr with all of this btw i am probably more nervous than jacob and if he does like me he has to leave i wont be thatto see him for 5 months this is all messed up.

(in the car with the girls)

Alex: aye!!! turn it up this is my song (drake started from the bottom played)

ATMI: started from the bottom now we here started from the bottom now my whole team fuckin here the all sang

(the song was over)

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