Part 1

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I heard the old jingle from my past echo through the hallways.

I get up, groaning and holding against my right eye, realizing i felt something warm and wet running down my forehead. I remember the alternates taunting me in the car, that GPS wouldn't shut up...

A shiver ran down my spine. 

I don't want to remember that again.

The last thing I saw was a car headed right towards me...

and then...


I sigh, standing up and dusting myself off. Seems like I was in my old bed, with the dinosaur patterns and a small, quiet-looking quilt. I couldn't help but smile; I loved this quilt. My mother gave me it before she brought me here.

This wasn't the point though. I needed to find out how I got here and try to leave.

As I stood up, I almost fell over at how heavy my leg felt. I look down to see... a child.

This kid has to be at least 5, his face covered in soot and blood. he looked up at me with huge eyes, an innocent grin spreading across his face.

I couldn't help but smile again at this. The kid looked so jolly, like it was his birthday and he just got tickets to the local amusement park or movie theater.

"Ebery-one! There's a nice looking man here!" He happily called out, and more children came out. I scanned the tiny crowd forming around me, noticing a kid with blonde hair and blue eyes. He looked just like Adam, but smaller and more child-like. He had a big, goofy grin across his face as we locked eyes.

He looked like he was around 7 or 8 years old.

I blink, ushering the kid near me and letting him sit next to me on my old bed. The said bed creaked under both our weight (probably due to me, or since the bed was so old). The rays of sunlight streamed through the cracked window before dimming again.

"Hey kid," I started, licking my lips and clearing my throat. He looked so innocent... "What's your name?"

"Oh! It's Adam, sir!" He chirped back happily.

I smiled. "You don't have to call me 'Sir,' just call me Jonah." I answered back soothingly, but another child peeked out from the crowd. She looked like she was 4, and a tween holding her hand looked 10 to 12 years old. He had a few scars and wore a soft-looking grey jacket with shorts.

"Mmmark, whos that?" the 4 year old pointed at me, straining her M. The tween - who is probably this 'Mark' - looked back at her. "That's Jonah. Say hi to him!"

I waved at the child, who's eyes had stars in them. "Hi, Jojo!" She giggled.

I had a goofy grin across my face now. These children didn't have a care in the world. I then turned my attention to a child who was struggling to get up on the bed next to me. His hair was as clean as he could make it and was wearing a flower pin on his black shirt with white scribbled to look like a suit (although a bit poorly).

The suit shirt kid looked around a bit older than Mark, but was way shorter. I picked him up by the armpits and set him down on my other side, where he clung onto me and spoke some Spanish.

I blink, confused, until a kid comes up and asks if I know Spanish. I shook my head no, and he translated it to say "Thank you, kind sir!"

I shook my head and chuckled. "You kids are so polite. You don't really have to be so formal with me, I don't mind if you call me anything... Like Jojo." I look at the girl who gave me the nickname, and the crowd of children erupted with giggling and talking.

These kids warmed my heart. Maybe I can try to protect them while I try to get out of here.

He didn't notice that Mark looked at Jonah with awe. Mark saw Jonah had a pair of wings and a halo above his head, and it didn't take long to realize Jonah was sent here by God to protect them.

At least, that's what he hoped for.

Mark then sprung up into his arms, making Jonah fall over. All the kids laughed, as well as Jonah himself.

"Mr. Jonah, I'll protect you as you will us!"

I'll Protect All of You... ~ Mandela Catalogue AU (The Guarding Angel)Where stories live. Discover now