11: Keeho & Jeonghan

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"Your son is okay now, Mr. Yoon," the doctor informed Minjun, who exhaled a sigh of relief.

"The poison didn't affect him that much yet. But who tried to poison him? I mean, this can happen—"

"I'm a businessman. I have a lot of enemies. My family is just an easy target for them," Minjun lied, knowing the truth would be too shocking for the doctor to handle.

"Then I would suggest you increase your security. If this keeps happening—"

"Doctor, when can I see him?" Minjun interrupted, his restlessness apparent.

"He's sleeping now. You can see him once he wakes up," the doctor replied before leaving. Minjun sighed deeply, reflecting on how things had reached this point.

When they planned for a second child, they believed their eldest son Jeonghan would be the happiest. Initially, Jeonghan protested vehemently, expressing his dislike for the idea. Minjun dismissed it as childish immaturity, assuming Jeonghan would grow to love his sibling. However, since Keeho was born, Jeonghan's behavior worsened. He refused to touch Keeho, avoided seeing him for days, and became agitated whenever Keeho was mentioned. Though he maintained his distance, Jeonghan never attempted to harm Keeho—until yesterday.

Jeonghan had poisoned Keeho's food with rat poison. Fortunately, Minjun acted swiftly, bringing Keeho to the hospital in time to save him.

"You tried to poison your own brother, Jeonghan?" Minjun asked in frustration, but Jeonghan remained calm, unbothered by the near-death experience his actions had caused.

"He touched my collection," Jeonghan replied coldly.

"HE IS YOUR BABY BROTHER, YOON JEONGHAN!" Minjun lost his calm, raising his voice in desperation, but Jeonghan didn't flinch.

"I told you a million times, I don't want a brother. I never did. And if you bring me one, I'll kill him."

"Han, why? Why are you being like this? Why do you hate him so much? He is your own brother."

"He is not. He is nothing to me. I don't want anyone to have what's mine. Appa's cars, this house, his company... everything is mine and only mine."

Minjun was terrified. His elder son was only eight years old but had already tried to kill Keeho. Jeonghan's relentless hatred and possessiveness meant Keeho would never be safe living under the same roof. Minjun realized he had to make a tough decision to protect both his sons and his legacy.

After Keeho recovered, Minjun sent him to Toronto, promising Jeonghan that Keeho would never return in exchange for a truce that Jeonghan wouldn't attempt to harm Keeho again. Minjun wrote his will, ensuring that his entire property would go to Jeonghan, the designated heir. Jeonghan was satisfied, growing up with luxury and privilege, while Keeho was left in the dark, believing his family had abandoned him.

Years later, Keeho received a letter from his mother revealing the truth: he and Jeonghan were not real brothers. The letter also detailed Jeonghan's attempt to kill him as a baby, which horrified Keeho. Knowing Jeonghan's dangerous nature, Keeho never tried to reconnect with his family.

However, Jeonghan had unknowingly spoken one truth in his anger—Keeho was not his brother. On her deathbed, Keeho's mother disclosed the identity of his actual father: Aerin's father, Joowon.


"Why do you always talk about your mother and never about your father?" Aerin asked as she stuffed a spoonful into Keeho's mouth. It had been a month since he was saved, and he had been staying in the hospital since then. Now that he was almost healed, he hoped to get discharged soon. Aerin visited him twice a day, mostly during lunch and dinner, as she always fed him. Though she seemed intimidating and scary at first, Keeho noticed she wasn't actually like that.

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