20: Pink Lipgloss

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"Shua, there's lipstick on your jaw," Seokmin remarked, raising an eyebrow and pointing to the faint stain on Joshua's neck. Joshua felt a wave of panic but managed to keep his composure, smiling calmly.

"That must be Aerum's lipstick shade. I was swatching it and probably rubbed it on my jaw unknowingly," Joshua explained, hoping his excuse would be convincing.

"This is lip gloss, I think. It has a thicker consistency than normal lipstick," Seokmin said, rubbing off the mark with a thoughtful look. "I don't think Aerum wears a pink lip gloss."

"Lovebirds, it's Aerum's wedding. Keep it PG-13 until we reach the hotel, huh?" Jeonghan teased, but Seokmin's eyes were fixed on Jeonghan's lips, noticing the pink-tinted gloss glistening on his plump lips.


"There he is, my tiny little prey," Keeho smirked as he spotted Seungcheol wandering around, trying to find his way. After lunch, Seungcheol had excused himself to use the restroom while the others left for the hotel to change into their evening outfits. Jeonghan had insisted on waiting for him, but Seungcheol urged him to leave with the rest, and Jeonghan reluctantly agreed.

Now, Seungcheol was lost in an unfamiliar part of the church, trying to find the exit. As he looked around, he saw a woman standing at a distance, staring blankly at him. The sight sent shivers down his spine—a lone woman in such a dark, empty part of the church was unsettling. However, he decided to ask her for directions, as he needed to get back to the hotel as soon as possible.

"Excuse me," Seungcheol called out, walking towards the woman. "Do you know the way to the exit?"

The woman didn't respond immediately, her gaze fixed on him. Just as Seungcheol was about to repeat his question, Keeho and his accomplices emerged from the shadows, surrounding him.

"Excuse me, Ma'am?" Seungcheol called out, but the lady didn't respond. She simply continued to stare at him. Her red hair and blue eyes made her look distinctly non-Korean. Still, Seungcheol assumed she must know Korean.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but do you understand Korean? Can you tell me how to get out of here?" Seungcheol's voice echoed slightly in the empty corridor as he slowly walked toward her.

There was no answer, just those piercing blue eyes fixed on him.

"Ma'am, can you tell me the way out?" he asked again, his voice tinged with frustration and unease.

This time, the lady's lips curved into a mischievous grin. Before Seungcheol could react, someone covered his nose and mouth with a handkerchief. The sweet, pungent smell of chloroform filled his nostrils. He struggled briefly, but his strength quickly faded, and he fell unconscious.

"Now let's take this big boy to our place," Keeho said, as he and Hwan lifted the unconscious Seungcheol and carried him to their car, with Ruby following close behind.

The trio moved swiftly and quietly, ensuring no one saw them as they exited the church and loaded Seungcheol into the car. The wedding festivities continued inside, oblivious to the sinister events unfolding just outside.


"Where am I?" Seungcheol groaned as he opened his eyes, a sharp pain throbbing in his head. He looked around to find himself in a dark, unfamiliar room. Realizing he was tied to a chair and barely able to move, he let out a frustrated grunt.

"FUCK!" he yelled, his voice echoing off the walls. Just then, the door in front of him opened, and a blinding light made him squint and shut his eyes. After a few moments, he cautiously opened them again, only to see two familiar figures approaching him. The first was the mysterious woman he had seen just before losing consciousness. The second, to his dismay, was his ex, Yoon Keeho.

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