Another Stellaron

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(keep in mind I can't lock down most of the characters personalities, error in my head is my best explanation, also this doesn't follow the original story, thing are Alternate Reality basically.)

Kafka and SilverWolf made it to a Fragmentum filled area, Kafka's hand held a Stellaron, and the Fragmentum were....frozen.

"Hm, feels like the world is glitching." said SilverWolf, her eyes watching the creatures, made mockery of the Silvermane guards that protected Belebog, but some were unfire while the rest were iced.

SilverWolf felt a gaze come from the currently frozen creatures.

Kafka smiled "Are you worried they'll attack us after the operation? Don't worry Darling we're told to teleport from this place after they fully accept it."

Where the Stellaron came from is a mystery, all they were told by Ellio is that this being born from Fragmentum and altered by the Stellaron would be in his words: A backup plan.

"Seems the closer we get to the destined day, the less Ellio sees." said SilverWolf who was readying their teleportation device.

Kafka smirked though her smile was around a lot "That just means we're doing a good job."

"Let's hurry with the transfusion then." said SilverWolf

with a finger wag, Kafka reminded SilverWolf " Ellio was very specific about what to do with him, we are to give him each a item from us."

Silver Wolf nodded and put in the host's pocket a gaming device with built in GPS and other technology, why a game? this is SilverWolf we're talking about.

Kafka wrapped a black Regal looking cape, with a symbol of a Spider shaped Snowflake.

Kafka wrapped a black Regal looking cape, with a symbol of a Spider shaped Snowflake

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(sorry, I couldn't get a back look.)

"Okay, we can begin." with a push against the Stellaron which was cube like, it entered the Everwinter's chest, a golden glow emanating before turning blue and sinking into it.

"Quick, let's go." said Kafka, she grabbed SilverWolf and the two were gone.

The force of the Stellaron infusion had messed with the vison of the EverWinter, making everything blurry, he shook his head and steadied himself, looked around at the Fragmentum Creatures, he looked in reflective ice to see himself, his memory faded.

"What?...were am I?, Who am I? This cape? A  spider snowflake? and what is this thing?"

he looked at the gifts and the axe he held upward, he pushed a button on the device.

Hello Mr. Winters

I know your most likely surprised at this letter in this device, My group called the Stellaron hunters seek to make a brighter future through use of visions and the guidance of  my followers.

But as the days pass I am not able to see the future as far as I could, I am weakening, but the future has been set, we will reach it, with your help.

But first you must find the ones that awoke you with the Stellaron inside your body.

Lastly you may want to look up from this letter.

-Ellio leader and guide of the Stellaron Hunters.

after reading this he looked up to see the Fragmentums had recovered from their passive state and a flying  bird creature brimming with flame shot towards him.

He quickly puts the device away and blocks the attack with his axe, though it's protects him he loses it as it shatters. (I'm not going to have a pic for all the weapons, just the Halberd that he lost, use your imagination)

"Just great, OW! what the Hell is this?"

He sees a handle of some kind of weapon, as he pulls it out, Mr. Winters sees its a gun, like a rifle.

"Okay you guys, LET'S GO!"

Aiming his gun at them, the Fragmentums attack!

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