Discovery of Power

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the Fragmentum was closing in, fire creatures, weaklings by themselves, they form a dignified squad formation before breaking it to charge.

As they charged the big ones sat and watched, a Fire being and a Ice being(not good with enemy names), Winters quickly held his hand out to do...something. thankfully it worked.

Energy coiled out of his hand and entrapped the weak Fragmentum monsters, who grabbed their heads in pain.

"You serve me now!" shouted Winters as the energy enveloped them.

with a motion that was a strange standing up straight thing. the fire and ice creatures turned to him and shouted "We serve Cold Winters!"

("Was that my first name? Cold fits but really? oh well, I've got bigger problems")

The newly made followers ran to Winters and spinned till they were staring down the non existent eyes of their enemies.

A memory of something flashed in Winter's head as his newly made soldiers fell behind him, ready to attack the large Fragmentums.

The words were out of his mouth naturally, he imagined a army behind him instead of the few minions(so around 6 ice and 5 fire at the ready so not  a army)

He takes a step forward and says the phrase "We have entered the storm." calmly as a breeze of cold snow flies around him.

He channels the power through the gun he'd picked up

"We must take them all down, CRUSH THEM!"

in his mind flashes words "ATK and SPD raised higher.

his Squad fearlessly attacked the Fragmentum, matching elements so they had the advantage.

soon the Fragmentum portal became disabled.

the troops he had converted celebrated, and knelt before him.

"Lord Winters, we are your loyal servants, direct us so we may better work our minds which are ours and not the Fragmentum." said the lead one.

Winters paused before saying "Let's go, we've got a long walk to travel."

All of them answered "Yes Lord Winters"

The Lord of WintersWhere stories live. Discover now