Lost and Found

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"Milord Winters!" gasped out one of the men in Cold Winter's squad.

"Yes Auto?" answered Winters, he'd given names to a few of his men, Auto as you probally guessed was good with machines.

"If you simply let me take a look I could guide us." Auto exclaimed, and he wasn't wrong as the squad was now riding on the back of some broken automatons that fell to, what appeared to be...blunt trauma from a bat unfire?

Winter's guidance in battle was good, but he couldn't figure out directions for the device.

"Fine you can-Whoa!" the scene before the Winter Squad was a large open field with a large machine robot thing. Winter's could sense that there must've been a struggle of sorts between being of great power.

As his men began to walk around, Auto trying to rip the tech from some weird creature.

"What is that?" he asked to no one as everyone was busy.

That is a Void Ranger!

"Holy!" shouted Winters as he was taken by surprise by the voice in his head.

His men heard it to as they jumped up upon hearing it, Auto being the one to hit his head on some tech.

one of the others, a fire being named Blaze shook in surprise. the others got a chill or fire up their spine, depending on who you see.

"Oh don't be so surprised, It's me, the Stellaron in your chest."

one Ice walker called Zoom said "Oh great, more voices in my head..."

"You should see a therapist about that..."

"More importantly, why can you talk? and you never explained  what a Stellaron is."

"A object of great power, we can corrupt worlds or save them based on the different types, I am linked to you, you seek three of the paths to tread at your choices, or was it 10? I've been dormant for years." 

"What are these...questionable timed paths?" asked Winters, despite the surprise,his men went back to work salvaging."


"Hello?" said Winters, suddenly he narrowed his eyes(wherever they are) as a lance nearly hit his body, instead the frail gun he carried broke, he dropped it as the assailant showed his face along with Silvermane guards.

"Hello?" said Winters, suddenly he narrowed his eyes(wherever they are) as a lance nearly hit his body, instead the frail gun he carried broke, he dropped it as the assailant showed his face along with Silvermane guards

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"What the fuck?" shouted Winters, which some of the troops gasped.

"Sir it can talk!" said one  of the SM gunmen.

"Don't let your guard down men, no matter what tricks they pull, they are still monsters!"

"Yes Sir!" shouted all the SM troop.

"Oh you have gotta be kidding me..." Winter's facepalmed then said "So you got some men, I do to, Troops Assemble!"

All Winters troops lined up behind him.

CHARGE! shouted Winters and the Commander.

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