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|Felix's POV|

I wait for Mor to come down the stairs, we are going to school early. That Nina left before us since she doesn't want to be anywhere near the others that live in this house, especially Patricia whose parents I phoned. They assured me that they'll make sure Patricia stops with the bullying. I also got that Joy's home number and called her father who assured me that he'll tell Patricia's parents about this.

"Ready?" I ask my daughter

Nodding her head " Shouldn't you be in London by now?"

"Demetri can handle it" assuring her as we leave the house, he's no where near here.

As we walk out of the house we come across an elderly lady with short white hair, natural skin, and blue eyes. She's wearing a white with pink floral designs night gown "Hello?" Mor greets the elderly lady who is smiling at my daughter "Are you alright?"

"That's my house" she points to Anubis House

"Your house?" I ask

She nods her head looking at me "I remember you"

She does? I've never seen this woman in my life "You do?" I ask

She nods her head "That's your house?" Mor asks

She nods her head "That's my house!"

"Alright" Mor clicks her tongue "why don't we get some help for you, if you want to come inside?"

She shakes her head "No! No! He's waiting, he's always waiting"

"Waiting?" We both ask

She places her hand on Mor's cheek "It's you isn't it?" She smiles "I knew you'd come! It was only a matter of time" 

"Really?" Mor asks looking at me "dad?"

"I'll find out where she came from" I assure her, heading back I listen to them.

"Sarah, my name is Sarah" Sarah? As in Sarah Frobisher-Smythe? Looking at the elderly woman, if she's Sarah then she has to be almost a hundred. I did meet the original inhabitants daughter once many years ago, I was the one that killed her grandfather. She was but four years old and couldn't have remembered. She only saw me standing over his dead body, nothing more.

~Elderly Home~

"It's not like you to go wandering Emily" the caretaker says—she's got light brown skin, curly perm black hair and black eyes with glasses.

"Emily?" Mor asks as this woman motions for us to be quiet.

"She's rather confused" the caretaker explains "as you've probably realized, she's not normally a sprinter"

Mor looks over as the woman hands me my jacket back "That's Anubis House, she said she use to live there"

The caretaker shakes her head "I don't think so, but then again we don't know much about Emily's past. Isn't that right Emily?!" She shouts

"There's no need to shout" Emily scolds "I'm not deaf you know"

I sense something, Demetri. Looking at Mor who comes to stand next to me "Un mio membro della congrega sta arrivando, quando un uomo con i capelli biondi e la pelle pallida entra e uno è verso di me te ne vai immediatamente. Sono chiaro?" A coven member of mine is coming by, when a man with blonde hair and pale skin walks in and one's towards me you leave immediately. Am I clear?

"Crystal" she walks over to the side as I help that Emily to her room. I see the caretaker have Emily sit in a rocking chair and give her a blanket.

"There, isn't that better Emily?" She asks

"No" Emily scowls

She looks my way "Now, do you and—where"

"Sent her off to school, first day" I explain "I however do have time for a cup of tea"

She nods her head "Alrighty, I'll get you a cup"

That Emily gets up and hands me a necklace "She must find it"

"I'm sorry?" I ask

He's here "She is the chosen one, this will protect her from the evil in that house. But she must hide it, keep it a secret or they'll take it. They take everything from you, they'll do the same to her"

"They'll take everything from her" I repeat

Nodding her head "Only she can find the treasure hidden in that house, why else did she beg to go there?" How did she know that? "It's a bad house, a dark house—Make sure she bewares the black bird!"

"Hello" looking over I see Demetri leaning against the doorway, that caretaker is back "seems Emily has a ton of visitors today"

"This is my younger brother" I introduce the two going over pocketing the necklace "Demetri who should be in London" going over I quickly scan the area and am relieved that Morrigan isn't here.

"Care" Demetri asks me "to explain why your in an human elderly home?"

Looking around "Came to see the elderly"

He gives me a flabbergasted look "Really? What was that back there?"

"So Mr. Volturi" the caretaker is back "I'm guessing today is your daughter's first day of school? Must be exciting"

Demetri laughs "My brother doesn't have children"

"My brother is right" I say "the girl she asked me for help since I was driving by"

"Oh" she frowns "I'll have to phone for her to get her jacket back" she left her jacket here?! She must have been in a hurry making sure Demetri didn't see her.

"I'll bring it to her" I tell her

Demetri raises his eyebrow to me "We'll give it to her and don't mean to be rude but we truly have to get going"

"Of course" she nods her head "thank you for bringing Emily back"

"Of course" we leave the house and once we're in the woods I grab him by his throat "I told you not to come find me"

"The twins" he growls shoving me off "are here"

I look confused "Why are the twins here?"

"The kings got a tip about an immortal child" he explains "somewhere in England, they're in their way here"

"Here here?" I ask "Liverpool?"

"That's where the tip told them" he confirms "but I doubt it since if there was a child I'd have found it by now" the group of dead bodies. Fuck! "Now" he takes the jacket from me "let's give this jacket to the girl—odd. I can't get a tenor on her" if that's true then I need to find Eleazar.

"That's because I killed her" I quickly explain "snapped her neck, now I'll return this to the school" quickly running to the boarding school, I find Mor in the library like she always is "you left this" I whisper to her "and the old lady gave you a necklace, I'll explain later" leaving the library for Demetri to look at me from the woods curious along with the twins. Great.

"Why" Jane demands looking at me "are you in Liverpool instead of in London?"

Looking at Demetri "Tattletale"

"Mr. Secrets" he retorts

Groaning "Fine, you three want to know why?" They stare at me "I'm thinking about taking a vacation"

"A vacation?" Alec asks

"From the Volturi" I explain "from just standing around being a glorified babysitter, finding these vampires just because Aro wants more power? No. I'm tired of it—so I want a break and there's a position here at the school for a teacher to teach Italian" no there's not but not going to tell them the truth.

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