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"Hey Fatima" Rick smile.

"Hello, Mr.Taylor how are you doing" Fatima returns the smile.

Clear his throat, "I'm great it was good to see you and congratulations on the twins, son I'll see you later" Rick said lastly before leaving Zac's front porch.

Zac allows Fatima to go in the house first, he closes the door behind them. After the two stood In front of each other it's was a moment of silence. A few minutes later Zac decided to break the silence.

Clears his throat, " What brings you by?" Zac asked.

"Well I came to talk to you, Can we sit I don't wanna overstep this is your house" Fatima giving Zac some cold energy.

"Our house, and yes we can sit down" Zac lightly chuckled.

Fatima sits on the couch and Zac sits across from her in his chair near the TV.

"So what you wanna talk about Fatima because I haven't seen or heard from you in almost 2 weeks" Zac said a little annoyed.

"Hmm, do I sense an attitude coming on" Fatima said and rolled her eyes.

Chuckled, "Just matching energy, So as I asked what brings you by?" He asked.

"Well I came to give you back your house keys and to get the rest of my stuff because I'll be moving into my new house soon" Fatima said.

"HOUSE?" Zac asked pissed.

"Yes, Zachary I also wanted to talk about us?" Fatima said.

"Wow" Zac was upset about Fatima getting her own house.

"What Zachary" Fatima noticed his energy change when she mentioned her house.

"Nothing Fatima" Zac flagged her off.

Clears her throat, " Listen I didn't come here to argue or upset you Zac can we for once talk like adults for the sake of our children" Fatima said as she placed her hands on her belly.

Takes a deep breath, "Fine Fatima fine" Zac says resting his elbow on the arm of the chair tills his head, and rests it on his hand.

"Look I'm not going to lie to you, I love you Zac and I miss you but we both are not ready for this relationship we need to heal first so I'm going to move out" Fatima said truthfully.

"I love and miss you too Fatima how long do you plan on living apart?" Zac asked.

"Yeah, however long it takes Zac we need to learn how to love each other properly, our relationship is toxic. I don't want to raise our children in a toxic environment" Fatima explained to him.

"Okay Fatima"

Sighs, "Zac don't be like that" Fatima said.

"Be like what Fatima?" Zac asked.

"Giving me just in okay like say something" Fatima said.

"Fatima say what! You made it very clear what you going to do no matter what I say, But fine I tell you how I feel. For one you buying a house doesn't sit right with me why all of a sudden you wanna move out, yes I get it we said some hurtful things to each other we always bounced back right" he shakes his head.

" You right I did make it very clear Zac, this is why we need time apart why do you want to repeat the same cycle. Honestly we only bounce back fast because I let you get away with giving me half-ass apologies, you hit me with just give me grace or I'm trying speech, I give in I'm sorry Zac I don't want to keep doing that we have children to think about" Fatima said.

Sighs, "Why are you doing this? You dating that nigga Paul huh?" Zac asked.

Chuckles, "Yeah this conversation is over you just insulted me and pissed me off let me go get the rest of my things" Fatima gets up from the couch heading to the stairs.

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