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Tuesday February 13th, 2029

It's a little bit after noon, Nehemiah and Nayeli are off to school, Lisa is on her way to the Wilson residence so she, Zac, and Fatima can discuss what's best for Kaylee.

"Thank you for coming by" Zac said as he stepped aside to allow Lisa into Fatima parent's home.

"No problem, where is Kaylee ?" Lisa asked as she and Zac walked to the couch.

"She upstairs with Fatima they will be down and a few. Would you like something to drink?" He offered.

Clears her throat, "Yes please water will be fine"

"Okay I'll go get that for you" Zac leaves the living room to grab Lisa a bottle of water as he was coming back Fatima and Kaylee were coming downstairs.

"Hi, Grandma Lisa I missed you so much! Are you here to get me" Kaylee asked excitedly as she hugged her tight.

"I missed you too and we will see baby. How are you doing Fatima?"

Smiles, "I'm good how your face?"
Fatima coughs, "I mean how are you?"

Smirked, "Im good I would be better if y'all didn't ki-

"OH OKAY! So let's get to it" Zac cuts Lisa off, he goes and sits by Fatima & Kaylee goes to sit on Lisa's lap.

"So Ms.Lisa I called you here because we need to get on the same page about Kaylee and what will be best for her. Also, I would like to reform you that she already knows her mother is dead and that I'm not her father"

Speechless she let out a little chuckle, "Um oh okay how did she find out?" Lisa asked rubbing Kaylee's back.

"Last night when Fatima and I were having a conversation" Zac cleared his throat.

"Kaylee, how did you feel when you heard that news?" Lisa asked her.

"I cried myself to sleep I don't have no mommy or daddy anymore" Kaylee said with tears in her eyes.

"Kaylee don't say I'm still your father okay even if it's not by blood" Zac felt like shit, honestly wasn't going to ever tell Kaylee he wasn't her father he was just venting to his wife but it was too late now.

Crying, "Yes but you can wake up one day and stop loving me" Kaylee said and those words crushed Zac.

At that moment Zac grabbed Kaylee off Lisa and sat her on his lap, "Sweetheart! I will NEVER! Stop loving you! You will always be my daughter baby girl. I'm so sorry you had to find out this way about your real parents that my fault. For that, I apologize, me and Fatima love you very much that will never change" Zac tells her wiping her tears and kissing her cheek.

"Kaylee sweetheart let's take a break" Fatima said as she grabbed her from Zac the two went outside to get some fresh air, while Lisa and Zac continued to talk.

Sighs deeply, "I'm sorry about all this Ms.Lisa I truly am" Zac says and Lisa scoffs.

"Nigga! Fuck your sorry! You and your Bit-" she sighs, "I mean wife is the very reason my daughter is dead! So let's cut the bull shit" Lisa spat.

Smirked, "Bitch you should be glad I did you a fucking favor!" Zac spat back.

"Wow how dear you say something so fucking foul! I get my daughter was wrong for what she did to you but she didn't deserve to die"

"Look you're here to discuss Kaylee not your whore of a dead daughter" Zac said and Lisa's mouth drop.

"You're one fucked up person" Lisa spat angrily.

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