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About a week later while Evelynn was making breakfast there suddenly was a knock on her door. When Evelynn opened the door she found poppy Lovegood standing there.

The summer before poppy had lived with Evelynn for a while because she got kicked out by her parents and had no were to go. Evelynn had told were she lives and poppy remember that and now because she still could not go home she hoped that she could stay with Evelynn for a while.

Evelynn first looked at poppy for a while questioning why she was here. But then poppy said. Hey I know this is unexpected but I taught that maybe we could go school shopping together.

Evelynn first debated this in her head. It would be nice to have someone with her when she was in diagon alley. So she decided that she should go with poppy. Yeah sound about alright. We should go tomorrow, I am a little bit busy today. I'm sorry, you could stay the night if you want.

Poppy looked surprised by that. She was expecting Evelynn to make up excuses and saying that she did not want to go. But she smiled nonetheless.

The rest of that day the two girls spend studying and sometimes poppy would try and talk to Evelynn but she got ignored most of the time.

The next morning Evelynn woke up not looking forward to the day. She did not like being in social situation with a lot of people. That's why she liked to be in the library. It was quiet and she had a little table in the back were she and regulus would sit.

Not many people know that Evelynn and regulus were friends not ever Sirius knew. Evelynn and regulus liked to keep it that way. She had seen what happened when Sirius and Sophia got together and she did not want that much attention.

Evelynn got dressed and went downstairs to make breakfast so they could leave as soon as possible.

After breakfast the two girls left and took the bus to the leaky cauldron. There Evelynn saw regulus end his mother. Regulus nodded to her in greeting and Evelynn returned it. So what should we do first. Poppy asked.

I first need to pick up some money from Gringotts, so I think that's where we could go first. After that we could go to flourish and blotts. If that's good with you of course.

No I think it is a good idea, lets go. Then they went to the back and to the diagon alley. And strait to Gringotts. Both of the girls did not like goblins one bit so they wanted to be done as soon as possible.

Once they were out of Gringotts they walked to flourish and blotts. Where both of the girls were in there element. And bought way to many books. But they did not care at all.

They took a break at Florian's ice cream shop where they talked a little. Something Evelynn found kind of nice but she was still anxious.

The Hogwarts letter did not say new robes but poppy still needed new one because she had grown out of hers. When they walked into the shop. There was a woman screaming at a boy at to Evelynn's great shock it was regulus getting screamed at by his mother.

Walburga was going bonkers on regulus about basically everything. Evelynn wanted to do something, but had no idea what. When regulus saw she wanted so step forward he gave her look saying not to do that. So she didn't. she did give him a apologetic look.

By the time Walburga was done screaming. Poppy had gotten her robes and walked out with Evelynn. They also needed new potion supplies so they went to get those. Then poppy asked or they could go to quality quidditch supplies because she wanted to look at the new broom that just came out.

Evelynn did not like quidditch but she felt rude to say no so agreed. While in there poppy was latterly screaming. How can someone get this exited over a broom. Evelynn thought to herself.

Poppy ended up buying new gloves. And then they went home. When they were home Evelynn ended up having to help poppy with packing because she had to much stuff.

After dinner they went to bed and the next morning poppy left to go to another friend of hers.

Evelynn was debating what to do. She could go and read her new books or she could go and meet up with regulus secretly. That was if it was possible for him to sneak out to come and meet her. She decided to ask regulus to meet up. And if he couldn't come she would go and read her books.

So she wrote regulus and asked him to come to her place if it was possible. A few hours later she got a letter for regulus saying he was going to try. So Evelynn want to make some tea and wait for him knowing that if he could not come he would write her.

About an hour later there was a knock on the door and when Evelynn opens it regulus was standing in front of her. He smiles when he sees her and gives her a hug. They walk inside and Evelynn makes tea for him.

Evelynn goes to light some candles while regulus grabs some blankets. Then the two go to sit down on the couch. Evelynn cuddles herself completely into the blanked. Regulus chuckles at that and smiles at her.

So why was you're mother going all bonkers on you yesterday. Evelynn asked regulus. He grimaced. Well mom has bin really angry ever since Sirius ran away and she is taking it out on me.

Evelynn was shocked at how calm he was while saying all of this. And grimaced as well. How can you talk about it lie it's normal. She said with a concerned voice. Regulus gave her a small smile and shrugged while mumbling. For me it is normal eve. This happens almost every day. The difference is that now she is yelling at me instead of Sirius.

Evelyn wanted to cry. She felt sad for him and she could see that he was hiding a lot of pain. Regulus went on to talk about the new school year but Evelynn stopped him. You should talk about your pain you know. I would never laugh at it or judge you.

Regulus looked her in the eye. And Evelynn saw tears forming. Then regulus broke down crying. Evelynn came closer to him and hugged him and started whispering comforting words to him. Telling him she was always there and that she would never leave him.

After while regulus calmed down and said. I'm sorry, I probably look hideous. Crying about my brother who ran away. We were not even close. Evelynn patted his head and said. You might not have bin close but he is still your brother and you don't look hideous. Its normal to be sad.

Really? Regulus asked surprised. Of course, Evelynn answered. Like I said he is still your brother and then you also hear all of those things he said about you. I swear I wanted to bank his head into the wall when he was saying those things.

Regulus looked at her and chuckled again. Thanks eve. You are the best friend I have ever had. And probably the only real friend I ever had.

No worries, and hey you're the only friend I have ever had as well. So we both have only one friend and we both have a stupid parents that we hate and a sibling that we want back but hates us. Evelynn said with a smile.

Regulus smiled back et her. You know, you're lucky you don't have to see you're mother. Sometimes I wish my mom kicks me out. Then I could come and live with you and all. Then I could do whatever I want. And maybe Sirius and I could be friends again. He sighs

Evelynn nearly cried when she heard that. How is it possible that a 15 year wants to get kicked out. Well now she knew. If you have Walburga black as mother you either run away or want to get kicked out.

vous savez, quand nous étions de retour à Poudlard, nous pouvions avoir une conversation en français. Regulus suddenly said. Evelynn replied laughing. oui c'est une bonne idée. Je veux dire que peu de gens parlent français et ce serait amusant.

The two laugh and then regulus looked at the clock. Hey I think its time that I should back to my mother's. yeah sure I see you out. Evelynn replied while standing up.

Evelynn knew why he didn't say home and it madeher want to cry again. When they were by the door Evelynn and regulus huggedand she whispered in his ear. I will always be here okay if you need anythingjust come to me. She felt regulus face shift into a smile as he whispered back.Thank you eves you really are the best friend anyone could ever have. Then hewalked out and closed the door.

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