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When Evelynn woke up after the full moon she was not expecting that she would be this close to potter mansion. But she woke up only a few feet away from their garden. She jumped up, ran to the forest and grabbed her bag. Got dressed and ran home.

She was still questioning how they still did not figure out that she was a werewolf but James and the rest of the marauders figured out that remus was a werewolf in first year.

When she got home she made a pot of tea and started her day. A normal day in Evelynn's life started like today did. She wakes up get's dressed and makes tea and eats breakfast while reading a book. After that Evelynn would study and make homework.

Today she did some potions. She also wrote her parents to ask how her sister was doing. Ellie her little sister of 9 years old was really sick and in the hospital. And Evelynn was really worried. She might not like her parents but she still loves her siter to bits.

Her family had kicked her out when she was six years old. She was bitten by a werewolf. And her parents think she is a monster. They bought a little cottage and made her live there. They brought food once a week and left her alone for the rest of the time.

When she was ten her parents decided that she was old enough to go to the store alone. When she was 8 her parents told her she had a sister. Evelynn had only talked to her sister a few times and her sister thought she was a monster. Evelynn still loved her.

And now she was really sick and in the hospital. Evelynn did not know what was wrong just that she was sick. And that she needed a few operations.

After that Evelynn would read further in her book. When she was done reading she got a letter from regulus saying that his brother had ran away from home. He also asked het to check or Sirius was with the potters. Regulus also mention that he had falling in love with a Huffelpuf called Blair Evermore. Evelynn chuckled when she saw that.

Evelynn might not talk but she was good at watching and listening to what happened and she knows about almost everyone who they like or who they were dating. She also know that James had fallen out of love with lily and in love with a girl named poppy Lovegood. He just needed to realise this himself.

She owled Regulus back and went to potter manor to see or Sirius was there. She knew it was a bad idea but she was going to do it anyway. Regulus had asked het to and she was not going to disappoint him.

When Evelynn arrived she took a deep breath and walked to the door. Before she could knock the door was already thrown and Evelynn got run over by two boys. She let out a yelp and hit the ground. When she got up and looked around the two boys were already gone. Then Ms. Potter came running out. She had heard a yelp and came to see what it was.

When saw Evelynn covered in dirt. She began apologising. Evelynn quickly said it was okey. Then Ms. Potter asked. Wat are you actually doing here I havened seen you in years. You have grown up so beautifully. Evelynn panicked. How did she have to react to this. She could not just say. O yeah my best friend owled me saying Sirius ran away and I just wanted to see or he was here. So she answered with the only other thing she could come up with. I ehh wanted to check up on you guys. Because ehm I havened seen you in years.

O well sweetie, I am glad you came. You know you're always welcome here, Come on in Mrs. Potter said she walked inside and Evelynn followed. She smiled to herself remembering all the fun times she and James had in here.

They walked into the living room were Mr. potter was reading a book. When he saw Evelynn he smiled and came to greed the girl. How have you been Evelynn I have not seen you in years.

Why did you stop hanging out with James? He asked. O, ehm well you see since the start of Hogwarts James and kind of. Ehm well we kind of grew apart. Got our own lives he got his friends and all.

Remus Lupin ~ WolfishWhere stories live. Discover now