👑𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 4👑

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"Luukeeeee! Come help me! I need you to start the fireeeeee!"

Luke groaned as he heard his needy fiancé yell.

She couldnt even get up to thrown on the fireplace. How lazy.

"Lady Nevah-! Please, allow me to do it, I'm sure the prince is bus-"

"Shut up you runt!" She yelled at the poor maid.

Luke walked into the room.

"Thank you for your concern, Marjorie, I do reassure you that I am fine. You may go back to your duties." He smiled at her, as much as he wanted to tell Nevah off, he knew if he did she'd start wailing and screeching, and he could not be bothered to deal with that.

Marjorie took a nervous step back as she nodded. "Yes..! Of course young master-! I'm so sorry!"

Before Luke could say anything, she bowed and sped walked away.

He just sighed.

"Lukeeeeeeeeee! I need you to start the fireeeeeee!"

"I know. Give me a second would you?" He rolled his eyes as he crouched down and laid the wood down in the brick frame.


Luke felt his eye twitch, he hated this god forsaken whiney woman.


"I'm hungryyyyy!"

"And? I don't know how to cook, do I? Go put a request in for the chefs."

"You do it! I don't wannnaaaaaaaaaaa you're supposed to help me!"

"But I'm not hungry. You can do that."

He started the fire and walked out, shutting the door behind him.

Luke had a plan.

A dumb one, but a plan nontheless.

He loved Zander, so so so much. And if he was willing to have him, he wanted to start an affair with him.

It broke his heart to say that though.

He didn't want Zander as a side piece.

He just wanted Zander, and only Zander.

But even if he became king, he couldn't rewrite the rules.

If he did marry Zander, the kingdom would riot, and Nevahs kingdom could call war. He couldn't risk that.

It had been about two months since meeting Zander. And he had never felt happier. He had to tell him. He had to.

He approached the familiar shack, to see Zander dusting some of the pots.


"Oh-! Luke! I thought you were spending time with Princess Nevah today..?"

"Couldn't deal with her. She's too whiney."

"Huh..- but she's your fiancé-?"

"I don't love her, never have." He shrugged as he walked in.

"Oh- That's shit for her I guess...?"

"Mhm... Zanderrrrr...."


"What are your opinions on- You know- Same sex relationships...?"

"..Uh- what-?"

"Just curious-!"

"Uh.. I don't see the threat in them.. I don't know why they're so looked down on..-? I honestly do not know what you want me to say."

"RIght-! Welllllll... I have a proposal to make-!"

"What do you me-... do not tell me what I'm thinking. Please do not." Zander paused, staring at him with a warning glance.

"Oh come on! I didn't even tell you yet!"

"..I have an odd theory. Listen.. I know you've been isolated and what not... but surely even you know that this, is definitely not the way to go about it?"

"I'm getting married soon! I had to tell you before I was!"

"It's not going to change anything?"

"Can you atleast tell me of you feel the same way...?"

"Lord you really do not like slow paced relations do you-? I will admit... I have felt strong emotions towards you.

"Oh- Really!?"

"Mhm.. but I cannot be with you."

"What- why!?"

"Are you stupi-... Listen.. I don't want to put you In jeopardy, I don't care what happens to me, but it's about you. You're too important, for all we know you could change the future of this rundown mistake of a kingdom. I'm just a potter. You could do so much better than this and you know it. I can assume you're only telling me so early because you're afraid of not getting your emotions out before your marriage, right? Please, just forget about me. It'll be better in the long run."

"Huh.. no it won't-! Nobody has to know! I don't care if I'm putting my position in power on the line, I don't care about power at all! Please Zander... I've never felt a connection like this towards anyone else.."

Zander sighed.

"You need to think this over, Luke. Do you understand what will happen if it comes out you're having an affair with a peasant?"

"I don't care what happens! My family could disown me for all I care!"

"But then you'd live in poverty?" Zander narrowed his eyes at him, did he even understand the risks!?

"That's fine! It'll be worth it! I'd rather be in poverty with you than ontop of the world with Nevah!"

"Are you going to give up?"

"Not until you flat out tell me 'no'!"

"..Fine. I'll be your affair partner."

"Huh- Really!?"

"..I can't say no to such an offer.. I'm too attached to you to do such a thing.." Zander admitted, sighing in defeat knowing he had lost yet another debate against Luke due to his own emotions.

Luke almost gasped as he grabbed Zander and brought him into a tight hug.

He gave him a kiss.

Zander was stunned, but melted into it.

But as soon as Luke pulled away, the realisation dawned on him as he shoved him off.

"Don't do that! Someone could see!"

"..There's curtains all around...?"

"Yeah! With gaps the width of a pot!"

"It's fineeeee, no one's awake silly! It's like a ghost town!"

"Keep talking and I'll put you in a ghost town."


Luke's desperate idk what to tell u

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