Chapter 63

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"Avengers, assemble

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"Avengers, assemble."

A yell was ripped from Kat's throat as they ran for the front lines, her feet scrambling over the debris of the building as Bruce leapt past her and Rhodes' flew overhead with Rocket in tow. Her hands clasped for her pistol amidst the battle cries as her feet hit solid ground and she was swiftly swept up in the tide of people charging towards Thanos' army.

The army which had wasted no time in surging forward, meeting their charge head on.

Armoured figures she didn't recognise ran at her shoulders, but as she urged her legs to move faster, digging deep into whatever enhanced abilities she could put to use in this moment, she outstripped them, her heart pounding, her eyes frantically locking on the attacking force before them. Outriders, Chitauri and more – creatures she recognised and some she didn't. Some she had fought before, most she hadn't.

Gritting her teeth, she managed to glimpse the flash of Steve's shield ahead of her as the gap between the charging forces grew narrower – until she could raise her pistol and lock her eyes upon one of the frantically charging Outriders straight ahead of her; its hulking, eyeless head snapping from side to side as it searched for its first victim.

She squeezed her trigger as the roar of the two armies met with a deafening clash – a frantic collision of bodies and metal. The blasts of repulsors bullets, explosions. The slashes of claws, spears, knives.

Spinning to duck below a flash of green that sailed over her head, Kat dropped to one knee, steadying her aim as she picked off a Chitauri warrior that was scrambling towards a figure armed with a curious pair of blaster-like weapons that she distantly recognised...

"Shuri!" The cry left her lips before she could fully comprehend what she was seeing, lurching towards the princess as her path was blocked by the grey, flailing form of some nameless alien. Ducking below the clawed hand that swiped for her, Kat's left hand grabbed for the knife on her belt, swinging it in a wide arc to catch the creature's throat and grimacing as it fell in a gurgling heap.


Her head jerked up at the call, just in time to see Shuri aiming one of her blasters at something beyond Kat's shoulder – a frantic glance giving her just enough time to see an Outrider struck down by one of the neon blue blasts from the princess' weapons. "You might need something bigger!" Shuri called, kicking a fallen rifle across the ground towards Kat as she forced herself to take a steadying breath amidst the chaos of the battle.

"Thanks-" She choked, stumbling over the mound of rubble that lay between them and holstering her pistol as she snatched up the rifle. "Shuri- you..."

"I hear I've been gone for a while?"

"That's an understatement." Kat exhaled, weighing the rifle in her hands – it was Vibranium, she knew how to use this. Glancing up, she took aim at one of the smaller flying vehicles piloted by the Chitauri, a squeeze of the trigger sending a bolt of that blue energy straight into its engine, a small, satisfied smirk crossing her lips as she watched it fall in a plume of smoke – before she caught sight of the winged figure flying above it.

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