Pov - Nicolas Romano

I looked outside of the blinds inside my office. I was the second commander in the building which meant I had to lead the team when needed and should know what was going on here and there.. I watched As a few phones started ring in the office people looking frantic even if our call responders where supposed to stay calls in every type of situation it was still a hard thing to do. I mean keeping a calm tone and expression even if a gun was pointed at the person they were trained to do this.. I watches as their eyes showed how frantic they were and asked others if they had seen the commander.

But when the door to my office opened that's when I let the blinds slip from my fingers.. "there are a lot of calls stating that there is a burning building.. They assume someone lit the fire so I want you to check it out.." said Alex he was just like me a commander only higher.. "fine send the squad cars there.. I'm ganne assume this is ganne be a long night" I said as I grabbed my keys and put in my jacket. "oh and btw your wife wants to talk to ya... Somethings about an anniversary" I looked at him with an raided eye brow and walked out of my office, I could hear him curse.

*time skip*

A I felt the heat of the building burning against my skin.. This job has made me make difficult decision and has make me see many dangers that lay in this world... It hurts to see people cry over the death of their loved ones or worry that one may not come out alive.. Tragic but it's what comes with the work...

I put my hands over each other making my chest bulge out more.
As my commander was yelling profanities and commands left and right, as I looked around I could see a young boy out of the corner of my eye
Slipping underneath the caution tape.. What the hell was he up to? I watched for a little bit I yelled out to him.. That didn't seem to do the trick.. So I ran up to him and stopped him from going any further
"hey. Kid stop right there you can't be here you have to get back behind the tape it's to dangerous." I said in a stern voice

He looked at me with those cold eyes like there was no light for him.. Yet there seems to be a glint of something behind it.. Somethings I couldn't quite grasp. I kept eye contact for with him like it was some kind of contest.. It was intimidating yet I didn't Wanne back down like I wanted to show my power. That's when I got face to face with a badge placed in front of me making me break eye contact with him. I scrunched my eyebrows and looked at it inspecting it closely... "agent Garcia" a Detective huh.. Interesting what is a detective doing here I looked up

And just as I was about to speak up he walked away.. Slipping behind a wall with what I assume is and alleyway.
I shake my head... Kids these days

After walking around the building making sure no one got in the way or ran of into the maze of the burning fire.. Let me tell you it's a fire hazard floors breaking, rubbish falling..

I walked back to my commander officer who told me I was allowed to go home.. But before I did I had to make a quick stop

Damn done with the second chapter geeezz

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