Pov James Garcia

Finally arriving home I throw my jacket on a chair, put the files on my desk and walk to the kitchen grabbing myself a bottle of water, I chugged it and  made myself some instant ramen as melly rubbed his face against my leg. Melly was a beautiful rottweiler hé weights 50 kg and on his legs he's 69 cm.. God what a beauty. he was a gift from the police force when I was saved he was like an emotional support dog. Melly sat near my legs as he watched me cook up some steak for with the ramen. I smiled and cut off a piece of the raw meat and fed it to him, he happily caught it in his mouth and walked off to some other place.

After cooking I turned the stove off and put my dish in a bowl and put it in the microwave I left it there so I could take a quick shower. I walked to my room as I looked at melly " keep watch alright?" he barked in response and I gave him a slight smile before walking into my bedroom, grabbing a big black hoodie and  apair of tight  sport  shorts .

I went into the bathroom turned on the shower and brushed my teeth while the water was getting warm. I could see the steam fogging up the glass and spit my tooth paste out washing my mouth and taking my clothes off. I stepped into the steaming hot water and let it drip down my face I let out a content sigh and washed my body with strawberry scented soap. What?.. even a guy wants to smell sweet at times don't judge me. I washed my hair throughly with some mint shampoo and coconut conditioner. After finally being done with showering I turned it off and dried my body.
Looking into the mirror.. I could still see the scars of that day.. Those were the most horrible years I've had.. I stared into my reflection observing my body.. Every curve and every spot that was tainted that night.. They stole my innocence that day..

Flash back:..

I was walking around the park with an ice cream in my hand it was a beautiful day the sun was shining and the weather was nice.
Children playing out side and people talking to each other. I walked my way home because my mom was making dinner it was my birthday today.. September 28th she was going to make my favorite dish. Skipping home I walked into a alleyway it was a short cut to my house or well backyard. Walking through it I put my hand against the wall feeling the rough stones scraping against my hands the sound of yelling and children screaming still near but not near enough to hurt my ears. I walked into the back yard to the back door. It was open.. Weird mommy never left the door open it let's the bugs in.. I shook my head and walked in "mommy? I'm home" I yelled no one awnsered I walked to the kitchen and washed my hands which were still sticky from the ice cream. I dried them and walked up stairs lilo my little cat was scratching against the door of my mom's room I slowly opend it and looked inside..

There was a man with a gun against my mom's head he had a sickening grin on his face while his other hand was pressed against my mom's mouth the silence the muffles "mom?" I called out to her tears were streaming down her face as she looked at me

"hey kid" the man spoke.. I looked at him and tilted my head "what are you doing to my mommy?" he chuckled and smiled even wider " What's your name kid?".. I looked back at my mom as she kept crying in muffles "I-I'm James but my mommy calls me Rosa-linda.." "that's a beautiful name James.. And your mom is right.. Do you know what rosa-linda means?" his Spanish accent slipped slightly through. You could tell he wasn't from around here because he had a Spanish accent one you could recognize from afar. His hair was a black greyish. It wasn't long neither was it short. You could tell he knew how to handle a weapon by the way he held it. ".. Uhm Rosa means rose and Linda means beautiful" "very well MI amore you are very smart now tell me beautiful.. What happens when people snitch and tell others what isn't supposed to be told".. I was shaking at that point I held my t-shirt in between my fingers and my hands close to my chest.. "they die.." he looked me straight in the eye and shot my mom.. Making her fall to the floor with a loud thud I didn't dare to look at her.. Frozen in shock I kept my eyes closed..

End of flash back

I wiped my cheek which was stained with tears I was panting as if I just came back from a long run I washed my face and sighed.. This was one of the worse memories.. There has been alot more but this one hurts the most.

After getting ready I walked out of the bathroom, I grabbed my food and sat down at my desk. I started proof reading and writing the files while also making changes.
These were 25 files with a total of 5 pages each, they all had to get reports of the earlier crimes that had been commited. I can't believe these jack asses couldnt do their own job..
I ate my noodles as I continued working on the cases. God.. This is ganne take


**Time skip to 7 hours later **

As I lifted my head from my desk I let out an audible grumble.. God my neck hurts.. A piece of paper was stuck to my cheek and the inkt transfered onto my skin I peeled it off and rubbed my face my hair was messy and all over the place God I looked awful.

I got up and got ready for work. If I had to guess it was around 6 am.. Work starts at 8. After my hot shower I decided to just go for comfy clothes since I only had to bring the files and pick up on the new information they got. I grabbed a baby blue  cropped hoodie and some  light brownish  baggy jeans to Match I out my hair up in a slight pony tail and put the files in my bagpack. I grabbed my phone and looked on it.. It's 7:59. I shook my head awake and checked the time again just to make sure I was seeing things right... "FUCK.." I grabbed my keys and dumped everything in my bag I put a lollipop in my mouth and ran out of the house locking the door behind me

God im ganne be so late..

I got in my car and drove to the building.. As if this day couldn't get worse.. I was stuck in a traffic jam.. I furrowed my eyebrows and ran my hand through my hair a few times.. To calm myself down.. "don't worry James this is ganne be fine.. Nothing to worry about".....

After finally arriving at work I was drenched not in sweat oh no.. Rain fucking rain. I got into the elevator  and pressed the button to the top floor I held my bag in one hand as I put my hood up and shivered. Sometimes I ask if the gods hate me.. Or if it's just my luck running out.

As the elevator came to a stop. The doors slowly opend revealing a busy office I stepped out and kept my head low.. A grim look on my face as I walked past Agent dean and officer romano..  Rubbed my eyes and walked straight into my office taking the files out of my bag and putting it onto my desk.. I  huffed and  went into the side bathroom and grabbed a towel, I dried my hair and walked back and sat down tired from barely getting any sleep and from over working. A knock was heard as two people walzed into my office " you look like shit angel.." Agent dean spoke. I scoffed and looked at him " thanks love nothing I didn't know yet"  officer romano looked at me with his arms over his chest making his chest stick out a little more and his muscles bulk out. I'm not ganne say they aren't attractive.. They both had this. Dominance aura around them that said don't mess with me.  Or I bite.
They are five six years older than me which makes them my superiors.

"he's right you look like shit" officer romano spoke up. As he took another bite of a strawberry donut

I looked him up and down and raised a brow " shouldnt you lay it off on the sweets officer?.." he looked at me than back at Agent dean. Than back at me and raised a brow "are you calling me fat kiddo".. I looked at him coldly as Agent dean tried to hid his smile by clearing his throat "do you hear him? He's calling me fat!" I shrugged as officer romano walked out mumbling a soft  "I can not believe this"

"angel I want you in my office at the end of the day.. I found what you're looking for" Agent dean said and walked out after officer romano and closed the door. The room was suddenly quiet again.. God those two are.. Something. Cheeks slightly turned pink but not that it was noticeable I leaned back and closed my eyes... I should get some shut eye for just a few minutes..

Sorry for the late upload
I'm just exhausted from school and work. And being sick but.. There's your chapter pardon if there's alot of Grammer mistakes in this one. I'll try to have less in the next one and upload it soon

Hope yall have a nice day and please feel free to ask questions in the comments!!  Bye bye my angels

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