𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 - 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐛𝐲

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ꜱʜɪᴘ: ꜱᴏʟʙʏ!

ᴛʏᴘᴇ: ꜱᴀᴘᴘʏ/ᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴ.

ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ, ɢᴏʀᴇ, ᴀɴᴅ ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ᴀʜᴇᴀᴅ!

ᴛᴀᴋᴇꜱ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ ɪɴ: 2014








"You better not be sneaking out again, Cole!" Colby's mother shouted from the kitchen, hearing his bedroom window open. Colby stopped in his tracks, gulping as he already had one leg out the window. Colby's backpack shifted, the feeling of a penny board moving inside of it. Colby sighed, ignoring his mom.

"I'm not! I'm just going to hang out with Brennen, okay!?" Colby shouted back, not listening to his mother's calls as he fully submerged out of his window. Colby carefully stepped toward the tree, shutting his window. Slowly, Colby tip-toed, the sound of the roof clattering with his shoes. Colby sucked in a breath, feeling his footing slip from time to time as he made his way toward the tree. Finally, Colby's arms grasped a branch from the tree. Colby huffed gratefully while clutching desperately onto the branch.

Carefully, Colby put his leg over the branch, koala hugging it. Colby climbed toward the base of the tree, letting his legs wrap around the base as he held onto the branches. Colby grasped onto the base, sliding down gently as he landed with a small 'oomph'. Colby brushed off his clothes, his grey t-shirt now grass-stained. Colby shrugged, continuing on with his journey as he left the property of his house.

Truthfully, Colby wasn't going to Brennen's. Yes, Brennen was his best friend but he had way more important things to do. Recently, Colby found this abandoned building while he was walking home from school which looked really intriguing. It had rust spreading around the edges of the roof while there was nature spreading around the walls, such as vines, bushes, moss, and other natureous things. The day Colby saw it, he knew he had to go explore it. That's all he did in Kansas, anyway.

Colby was thankful that the building wasn't far from his house. It took about six minutes to actually arrive there. Suddenly, it started to rain, Colby's small body shivering as he felt the raindrops hit his pale skin. Colby groaned, noticing the thunderous sky above him. Colby scolded himself for not bringing a hoodie, now knowing that he would eventually be freezing and may catch a cold. Colby sighed, his hair becoming matted from the rain as it leaked onto his face, his clothing becoming soaked.

Colby smiled, seeing the building. Colby ran toward it, jumping over the small chain-link fence and running up to the closest entrance. Colby panted, running as he saw a nearby window that was already broken. Colby stepped carefully onto the base of the window, putting his legs inside before putting his torso in. Colby winced, scratching his back onto the glass as it broke skin. Colby whimpered quietly, pulling out the piece of glass before grabbing his flashlight. Colby turned on his flashlight, the vibrance coating the room as he could finally see.

Colby was in complete awe, seeing the black candles scattered around the room, a pentagram, a goat skull, bloody black cloaks, and extra ritualistic things. Colby gulped, suddenly being washed over with an eerie feeling. Colby sighed, walking across the room and heading outside of the hallway. He felt like he was being watched, his eyes scattering across the room as there was a sinking feeling in his gut. Colby felt blood rush down his back from the glass, wincing as he knew the cut was pretty deep.


Colby jumped, using his flashlight to look around the room as his heart rate picked up. "H-Hello? Is anyone there?" Colby called out, his voice giving away his nervousness. Colby felt his adrenaline pick up, feeling a presence near him. What Colby didn't expect was a voice to respond to him.

"Hello, there, mortal." A voice growled from behind him. Colby's eyes widened, feeling a hand on his shoulder. Slowly, Colby's body turned to face it. Colby opened his mouth to scream, but a hand clasped over his mouth. "Hey, calm down," The voice said gently, removing its hand from Colby's mouth. Colby gulped, whimpering as he shut his eyes tightly. "I won't hurt you, I promise. I'm not like the others," The blonde demon whispered, his eyes softening. Colby opened his eyes slowly, looking at the demon in front of him.

The boy was beautiful, his red eyes matching perfectly with his blonde hair. He was an inch shorter than Colby, his black horns huge as they twirled around. His tail was black as well, holding onto Colby's hips. "W-Who are you?.." Colby asked, his voice frail and scared as he felt the demon grasp his waist with its hands. 

"I'm Sam, Samuel Golbach. And you are?.." Sam introduced himself gently, holding Colby gently in his arms as he smiled. Was Colby really going to introduce himself to a demon?.. Yes, yes he was.

"I'm Colby, Cole Brock..." Colby said, wincing as he felt the cut open up more. Sam's brows furrowed, turning Colby around with no effort as he was extremely strong. Colby was surprised at how easy it was for the blonde male to turn him around. Colby whimpered, feeling the demon lift up his shirt. He heard a small gasp come from Sam, feeling his hands caress his back.

"Hey, does this hurt?" The blonde asked, pressing his fingers onto the cut gently. Colby gasped, his gasp turning into a whimper as he nodded shakily, a burning pain zipping across his back. "May I... fix it?" He asked, his voice soft as he rubbed circles into my hip with his other hand. Colby nodded, feeling a searing pain as he pressed down harder. "Sorry, this may hurt." He said, pressing down harshly as Colby cried out in pain, feeling his fingers dig into the cut. Suddenly, the pain disappeared. Colby's brows furrowed, looking back at the blonde boy. "There, you're all good."

"T-Thank you," Colby thanked him, smiling. Colby's brows furrowed, seeing the blonde boy lean into him. His eyes widened once he felt cold and soft lips press against his. Colby whimpered, feeling Sam's hands roam his ass gently. The demon broke the kiss, smiling at Colby gently before saying,

"No, thank you,"

And just like that, the boy's horns turned into a halo, wings popping out of his back as they were extremely soft. Colby gasped, looking in awe as light surrounded him. Sam was now an angel, smiling at Colby as he held him gently by the waist. "I'll see you up there, Colby" And just like that, Sam disappeared. Colby was left in the dark building, smiling as he knew that was his soulmate. 

Colby left the building later on that night with multiple thoughts, but one stuck with him...

...Sam was finally free.

𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐛𝐲 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬!Where stories live. Discover now